Period Mom

Period Mom

Published on: 2023-10-23 13:45:36

When my father died, I was 25 and my mother was around 50.  I had one married sister who had a small daughter of her own.  This made mom a grandmother technically though she didn't looked like one.  Being the only son I was supposed to look after the family business and the household.  The household was actually ran by mom but I was supposed to fulfill its financial requirements.  I was in the age when I should be marrying someone but this was not in sight.  Just before his death my father talked to me about a couple of marriage proposals but since his death mother was silent on this subject.  I could understand her sorrow but it was hard to believe that after six months of the death of my father she was still mourning.  I wanted her to bring this topic up but I myself was not sure about my answer. Young girls my age doesn't interest me as I found them superficial and immature.  I had sex with only one woman in my life, who was a mature woman, an aunt of my friend.

Frankly I never lusted after my mother.  Not that Mom was revolting or anything, she was just mummy-type, pleasant face (but never any make-up - quite old-fashioned in that respect).  She was around five feet and three inches tall with a very fair complexion.  She has pouting lips and shoulder length black hair with a reddish tinge of henna.  A bit on the fatter side, her hips are wide with a couple of folds of extra fat on either side of her midriff.  Her 30DD breasts are like two large bouncy globes.  Sagging slightly, they are shaped like domes or large onions.  Mom's large round asses, shaped like two big globes sway alluringly when she walks.  She had delicate feminine hands, nice enough legs but well hidden as she always wore saree.

She was and is a genuinely nice, kind, loving, shy, modest woman - almost completely selfless in her behavior, I know nobody even close to her kindness.  I'd always confide in her rather than my Dad whom I loved deeply but found more of an authoritarian figure.  Mum was more on my level, so to speak - but I certainly didn't fancy her.  I guess it was just that she was my mother and I her son, so why would I feel anything other than that?  It was the "correct "order of things, the way things "ought" to be and I was inexperienced with plenty of other new stuff to explore sexually.

Yet about 6 months after my Dad death I found myself occasionally fantasizing about her.  One day I came early from work and since mom didn't open the door for me, I used the extra key to get in.  I heard the showering noise from her bathroom so I went to my room.  The shower noise stopped and I heard mom go into her room.  I walked out of my room and strolled towards our lounge passing mother's room.  The door was not closed properly so I took a casual look.  The sight of my mother struggling to put the blouse over the bra-clad tits was breath-taking..  Also on view was her not-so-plain midriff and her deep navel, below which she had the petticoat which is basically a long skirt tied around the hips that stretches till the ankles.

After that sexy scene of my mother, I always visualized her half naked and with petticoat every time I saw her.  My attraction towards her grew day by day and I started finding opportunities to peek on her naked flesh. I would masturbate about her, ignoring the revulsion just to have something different to climax about; I'd enjoy the orgasm but then feel wholly revolted with myself again afterwards, thinking I'd never do it again.  But I did do it, more and more often and it stopped revolting me and began to genuinely appeal rather than just be a novelty.

I still didn't "fancy" her in the accepted sense.  She's no movie actress, just a plain mom - a bit stooped, a little shorter than she used to be.  Despite her slight frame she still has pert-looking boobs of some size although this is only apparent from the side because she still dresses conservatively and still no make-up.  That said I do quite fancy much older women but not my Mom.  I guess the turn-on was the taboo aspect - and here I was regularly emptying my balls about her.

If I'm honest I guess there could have been some bullying going on too, or some personal inadequacy on my part - you know the score: slightly dominant father dies; I take my chance to wreak revenge by dominating (in fantasy) "his" woman.  I don't know this to be the case, I certainly don't consciously feel resentful towards my Dad - I loved him, still do.  I'm just trying to be honest (as I say, more exciting that way) and admit the possibility it could be some subliminal neurosis of mine rather than just the fact I'm a dirty bastard.

Anyway, in the months after Dad died I even found myself occasionally talking with her in all sorts of things in mildly frank ways.  I told her she'd worn well for her age - bluntly she hadn't worn at all well but there seemed no harm in saying it.  I wasn't surprised by her relaxed attitude but I don't really know what I'd hoped to achieve by saying any of this to her - probably nothing, just pushing the boundaries as it were, finding limits.  Nothing came of it - I hadn't expected anything to.  However, One night mom surprised me with her behaviour.  As I sat for dinner I noticed that she was serving the dinner to me but she was not eating herself.  When she came near me to hand over something I asked,

"Why you are not eating mom?"

"I felt hungry a little early so I took my dinner." she said

"Come on have some more" I demanded

"My stomach is full now.  I couldn't take more, believe me, see" Mom explained.  Saying this she moved the pallu of saree away and shown me her stomach, "Check, how full I am" She said.  She appeared somewhat unrestrained and was mirthful.

To my amazement she pulled one of my my hands and placed it on the bare part of her belly.  Jokingly I pressed her belly and said, "I think you are telling the truth after all," She made no effort to remove my hand from her belly.  When I rubbed her belly she giggled.

This incident was like a red rag to a bull.  As soon as I was back in my room I jerked off myself thinking about undressing my mom in front of me. The sari was the first to go followed by the blouse and the skirt.  I teased myself by allowing my mother to be in the bra and knickers for a while.  I have seen all her under garments drying in the clothesline.  Then off went the bra and knickers.  Once I removed her knickers I can visualise her naked body in various poses.  The pose I liked best was the one in which she sat on the kitchen stool with one knee over the other with me watching her from floor level.

From that day onward things started to change in a strange way.  After a couple of days mom told me that she had an attack of some allergy due to weather change.  The attacked has put some red rashers here and there over her body.  The family doctor had prescribed an ointment that had to be applied all over her body.  In the past such tasks were performed by my dad but now being the man of the house I have to help her out.  She took me to her room and dropped her saree and blouse without any shyness.  She remained in her bra and petticoat but a lot of her charms were on display. Seeing me getting red she said, "Come on son don't behave like a girl, I am your mother so there should be any formalities between us."

I nodded and saw her lying down on her bed in a prone position.  I started smearing the ointment all over her back -- slowly.  When I was done with her back she pulled her petticoat down and asked me to rub some on upper parts of her buttocks.  How soft and sexy she felt was hard to explain.  As far as her front was concerned she said she will apply ointment herself.  The rashes were mild and the ointment was good.  Soon mom told me that she felt fine.  The incident however, had taken our relationship to a new level altogether.

We were getting closer and closer emotionally and there was some hint of sex in the air.  Mom was behaving a little oddly and I was enjoying it.  One night another cat came out of bag.  Mom was walking slowly and talking very little or not at all.

"Are you okay mom?  " I asked

"Yes, I am fine." she said rather sadly.

"No, you are not, please tell me the reason." I said

"Its nothing, just a womanly problem," she told me

"I am here to take care of you mom, please tell it to me." I insisted

"Don't worry my dear, I will get over it." she said

"Tell me what is wrong?" I inquired.

I went near her and tried to hug her from one side.  As my hand around her waist I noticed that she was wearing something extra under her saree.

"What are you wearing Ma?"

"Please Son, please!" As she turned around to face me I saw a haunted look in her eyes.

With a little courage I kissed her head and pulled her to me.  To my surprise she sobbed and said, "I am wearing sanitary pads beneath.  I don't know whether you understand or not."

"I understand mom, but why?"

"Then you don't understand" She said almost weeping

"Explain a little bit to me please" I persisted.

"I am bleeding .....  Abnormally...  I feel so dirty." she whispered and then started weeping

"There is nothing in it mom.  It is after only blood.  I don't understand if Man spilling blood in honorable, then why woman spilling blood is unclean, what logic is that?"

"This is the way things are since long.  Don't ask silly questions."

The orthodox Indian attitude to menstruation infuriates me.  The women in general cannot enter the kitchen or the puja room because menstruating women are unclean.  From the study menstruation in the Internet I know that on the first day of the period along with blood surface cells of the uterine lining form part of the discharge.  From day two onwards, for the next two or three days, only blood flow.  No one considers blood as anything but pure.  Why should women be unclean when they discharge blood?

"In past it stopped <sob> ...I mean there were irregular periods...  <sob>...  now I am having abnormal periods." mom revealed

"Lets consult a doctor." I suggested

"No please, The doctor will think very bad about me."

"But Why?"

"My poor innocent son, I am a widow and widows are not supposed to have such problems"

"No problem mom, We will not tell the doctor that you are a widow" my saying so pleased her.

"Everybody in this town knows who I am Son," she remarked

"We will go to another city mom, now smile.  All you have to do is not to wear this white saree there."

Hearing this she smiled.  I took her face in my hands and brushed her tears aside.  I crushed her breasts on my chest and for the first time the feeling was intensely erotic.  One palm of mine was pressing her back and the other was wandering over her buttocks.

"It appears Mom that you are using some old type of thick pads.  Why don't you use the modern protectors."

"This is how my mother taught me way back in our native land and I find it good."

"I will bring new type of pads for you."

"I don't know much about them."

"I can help you wear them"

"Don;t be naughty now"

After such talk I had only one solution.  I went to a bathroom, slamming the door and uncontrollably ripping down my pyjamas before wanking into toilet - it could have taken only three strokes and I sent a jet of semen against the seat lid before better aiming the rest into the water in the pan, hanging there like candle wax setting.  I was shaking with excitement and bright red in the face, the ammonia smell of spunk heavily laden with sperm like a teenager's, rather than my more usual watery offerings - this lot had come from deep inside and my stomach muscles felt almost cramped as I straightened up from the almost fetal position I had adopted as I'd tried to shoot into the loo, rather than over it.  I cleaned myself and the toilet, and started to plan my next move.

I learned about a certain Doctor in a nearby town, who was famous to do anything for money.  His name was P.K.  Girta.  On many occasions when the women with illegitimate pregnancies wanted abortions, he would take the lead to mediate and sort out matters.  It took only a phone call to contact him. The very next day I took mom to him.  I told mom to wear a colorful saree and apply some make up before going there.  She only complied partially.  When She came for the journey, she was in a light blue sari.  She applied light lipstick and tied her hairs were in traditional way.  Still she looked a lot better than usual.  We moved in our car towards our doctor.

When we entered Dr Girta clinic it was well past 5 O'clock in the evening.  There was a small crowd of patients in the doctor's waiting room. The room had a small narrow table along the wall and two chairs in the front.  Towards the back, separated from the room with a short curtain, was a passage that led to another room.  Besides the reception desk there was a marble table and a wash basin.  The receptionist asked our names asked us to fill a form.  Although I was not planning to introduce mom as my wife but this happened automatically.  Her name was Mrs.  Rina Dutta and my name was Danish Dutta.  In the column of marital status we wrote 'married.' Soon call came in for us.

"Come in, come in Mrs.Dutta and Mr.Dutta" Dr Girta said, "How can I help you?" He was sitting on the chair and his smile was very friendly.  He asked mom to sit near him and me to sit a little away.

The first few minutes were spent with asking and answering routine questions and checking blood pressure etc.  She was answering the questions mechanically, having gone over these things so many times.  Finally she explained her current problem.

'Now let's look at your breasts first.' And, standing right in front of mom, the doctor raised her hands and opened the delicate buttons of her blouse one by one, starting from the top.  I could see my mom wearing a maroon lacy bra which outlined the contours of her generous bosom.  Dr Girta reached gently with his fingers pressing on the underside of the cups of bra while his fingers pulled sideways on the shoulder straps.  In one smooth motion he had popped her breasts out of their cups.  With her bra bunched up under them.  Her erect nipples were glowing red in the over head light.  More shocking was the fact that mom was not objecting to anything.

With one hand, he cupped the satin mom's left breast and her pink nipple. Looking at it for a moment, the doctor smiled and started massaging it very lightly.  'You have beautiful breasts,' he said.  'They are firm and their size is just right.' I could see that her nipple swelled and hardened under his touch.

After examination of her left breast, he soon went to reveal the right one from its light satin covering.  He sat down in his chair and made notes. He explained to her that her breast are looking bigger because she had some infection inside her system.

"You will have to take off your clothes, Mrs.  Dutta, for me to take a look." Dr Girta said suddenly,

"Should I leave the room?" I asked,

"You could, but the law says that a doctor should examine a lady patient only in the presence of her relatives" he told me.  Mom was silent and behaving submissively.  She started unwrapping her sari and dropping her petticoat.  Soon she was in her panties with oversized pads inside.  Remember her blouse was open and she made no effort to button it up again. She was hesitant to pull her panty down but doctor asked her to do so.

As she pushed down her panty down her pad came into view.  It was a towel like thing tied with a cord.  As she moved it down too I saw some blood on it but not as much as I was expecting.  Finally her thick bush of luxuriant pubic hair came into view.  Coyly she covered her cunt with a palm and stood expectantly in the middle of the room.  This sight was making me very uncomfortable in my lions.

Dr Girta got up and gently removed her hand from her pubis and pulled her closer to the powerful lamp on his desk and with his other hand started feeling inside her pubic hair with his fingers.

"Not now, but I will suggest you to shave it next time you visit me Mrs. Dutta"

"OK .." was all mom could say

"And these pad don't look nice any longer, get the modern one." he further commented

"OK.." was again what mom colud say

After looking and thinking for few seconds he spoke.  "The good news is that it is not venereal infection, but let me find the real problem." He picked a speculum, pushed it into her vagina and took a closer look.

Mom moaned and clenched her fists."What is it?" I asked

"This is a rare infection caused by long protected sex" he told me then he asked mom,

"When did you last have unprotected sex?" This question of his took mom off guard.

"Laaa..  long ago." Mom muttered."

"This means you are having protected sex at present?"

"Well...  I Aa....  It doesn't look nice to get pregnant at my age." Mom spoke with some difficulty

"Rubbish.  You are not that old,"

"Please come to my problem" Mom said,

"Okay the solution to your problem is unprotected sex"

"I don't understand." Mom said

"It is the male semen that can cure your infection" he replied

"I don't believe"

"This treatment may seem ridiculous and even outright insane but the studies are out there and the science has been right so far," the doctor said seriously.

"Isn't there any other solution."

"I will give you some tablets to swallow but they will help only partially.  The problem will come back again, unless you kill the original infection in your vagina.  you will have to get as much semen in you as possible mam." he told mom plainly.

He turned to me, "What sort of a husband are you man, can't you convince her for unprotected sex"

"Sure, I will try to convince her" I said without looking at mom.

The doctor asked mom to dress again.  As she dressed he wrote a prescription and handed it over to me.  We thanked him and left the doctor's clinic.  On our journey back home we kept silent for a while then I said to mom,

"Come on Mom, things will be alright."

"The son of a bitch took us as husband and wife."

"It was because of our names and remember you wanted to pose as married woman."

"It was so very naughty of him to make me naked right in front of you." She grinned nervously.

"But he is an expert mom and it was necessary for the check up."

"That is true, but after this how will I look into your eyes ...."

"The way I am looking into your eyes.  Cheer up mom, at least he suggested a solution." I remarked

"Damn, you call it solution.  Being a widow I am not supposed to do sex."

"Its not about sex mom.  there are other ways" I told her

"Such as..." She was curious

"Well a syringe or a glass tube can transfer the semen."

"The semen.  From where you will get the semen?" she asked

"We can ask any man?"

"NO way.  How can you think such a dirty thing." she almost screamed.

"Why not?  it is called Artificial insemination" I asked.

"Wa...  what....  this can...oh lord I have trouble saying" she replied.

"I thought we are frank with each other."

" can make me pregnant."

"This can be resolved by some medicine," i said and wanted to see how she would respond.

"I don't know what to say....  on one hand you appear right but on the other..."

I cut her "Don't think too much mom, its a special situation that need special considerations."

"Let me think.  We will talk later." she said

There was no more talk on the subject until we reached home.  On the way back I stopped at a drug store and bought the medicines prescribed by the doctor.  There was something more.  Among two tablets Doctor gave, one was meant for enhancing sexual urge in woman and one was for increasing blood flow. He hee, Ha.  On my part I bought a needle-less syringe.  A longer tube, called a tom cat.  I also bought modern things used for protection during menstruation.

Once we reached home we changed our dresses and then took or dinner.  As mom moved towards her room I followed her.  I told her I came to hand over the medicines and the new protection material.  After requesting her to swallow her tablets, I suggested her to wear new protection on wards.  She was nervous but she was not angry.  She said she had no idea how the modern protective things are used.

"If you come to bathroom, I can show you."

"Do I have to get nude again in front of you." She said coyly

"Not fully, only a little.  you will have to shed your modesty a little" I assured her

"Okay.  But be quick"

As mom moved to bathroom I followed with a bag in my hand.  Once we made it into bathroom mom asked me what she should do next.  I asked her to unwrap her saree and raise her skirt to her hips.  She obliged reluctantly and soon She was standing in front of me naked below the waist except of a large bulge from her menstrual pad at her crotch.  Our eyes met.

"How do you fasten it," I asked.  She showed me how she looped the strand on the cord and how the strand held the old style pad against her vulva.

I undid the knot and removed the strand that went between her thighs.  Next I removed the strand and placed it on the floor.  There was strong scent of blood but I have no time to mind.  It was a remarkable sight with mother standing naked below the waist and grown up son holding a tiny white bit of cotton on her slit as if to protect her modesty.

'Sit on it, Ma," I said and gestured towards the commode.  I put the cover over the commode.

I carefully held on to the pad as she sat.  On my asking she spread her thighs and lifted up her knees with feet dangling.  With trembling hands I opened the pad as if it was a page from a book.  There was a small stain of her Menstrual blood upon the pad.  I removed it altogether with my eyes focused on the inner stain of the pad rather than fully exposed vulva.  By now I was sweating profusely.  I placed the pad soiled part facing upwards and then I turned and saw her vulva spread out for my viewing pleasure.  I gazed at it.  It was like a just-blossomed pink rose covered in morning dew. The lips were puffy, open, and wet...very, very wet.  It seems that Mom's love nectar was brewing again.  "Vow," I said.

"Vow," I said again.  "How beautiful"

"Are you crazy, Its ugly as it is smeared in blood" mom said

"A woman can consider her vulva ugly, but not we men.  For us it an object of beauty, and yours is the perfect example."

"Example of what?."

"Of beauty!  The perfect one must bulge out.  Flat ones are no good.  Yours bulges out like a globe, but what gives it perfection are those inner lips and the hood of the clitoris.  The inner lips are so often like crumpled up leaves.  Yours are thick and firm and stand out boldly; the two lips converge on the hood of the clitoris making it an inverted 'V' canopy."

"By ugly I was referring to blood and smell of it"

"Yours look more perfect with blood smeared upon it," I said and came closer and closer...  with a tampon and applicator.  These thing were new for mom.  I told her how it works.  Mom was surprised to see the finger like shape of the tampon.  I assured her that it is harmless.  but as soon as my hand near her pussy she did something I could not imagine.  She started to pee.  Just like a curtain opening in front of the movie screen with all her pinkness now opened up to my eyes.  I could see everything now. As I looked closer, I saw a little pucker above her pussy hole.  Like magic, it opened up and she started to pee.  My hand was soiled in her pee as I pulled the glass tampon back.

I didn't understand female anatomy much, but when I saw that little hole open and her pee start, it was nothing short of being very cool.  When she was done, the hole closed right up and sort of disappeared into her skin. "Damn," I thought, " she reached for the toilet paper, took off a few sheets, and used it to dab herself.  She was panting,

"Sorry I could not hold back."

"No worry, lets try a new one."

I used toilet paper to dry my hand and picked a new tampon.  I requested mom to bent forward with her knees wide open.  I inserted the outer tube first and then the inner tube into her vagina.  She moaned as if I am inserted a dildo into her.  With the removal string hanging down I pulled outer tube back.Then I taught her how it can be removed by pulling the string.  The process made it possible for me to caress her vagina.  No one can imagine how it effected me.  I had trouble controlling myself from fucking her forcefully.  God, she was so innocent.

'Relax', I told myself.  To mom I said that she should wait for me in her bed room as i will be back soon.  I left the bathroom in hurry because my erection was about to burst.

I reached out and took my cock in my right hand and started stroking it. I thought of my mother blindfolded and tied to the bed with her legs opened wide, knowing that she would be fucked at any given moment.  I usually couldn't continue that fantasy for very long because no matter how good I thought it would bring me to brink.  As I ejaculated I collected my sperm in a bowl.  I filled the needle-less syringe with it and slowly got out of my room.

My destination was my mom's room.  The door is closed but not locked.  I pushed the door and went into her room.  There she is, trying to rest on her back with her face facing away from me.  To my surprise she was clad only in a bra and the petticoat.  Her breasts were fighting very hard to come out of the bra.  Her bra hooks were tight and barely holding on the bra.  Her bare stomach is beautiful and moving up and down slowly to her breathing rhythm.  Her legs were held together and her petticoat on her is twisted everywhere but fully covered.

"Mom" I whispered

"Who?" She said and sat up in her bed.  I asked her how she was feeling. She replied that she was feeling good.

"Mom...  I am here with the next stage of treatment." I said And raised the syringe in my hand

"What are you upto son?  What is this?" she asked with horror in her eyes.

"My sperm...I mean semen..."

"No...I am not ready and its... know..." she sat up on the bed and she was shocked

"The tablets you took had one tablet to control pregnancy.....its harmless"

I sat down next to her on her bed and put my arm around her shoulder.  The sight of her big breasts inches away from my face with her nipples clearly visible under the white fabric is something.  I noticed that She had a round belly, and a round, smooth ass, and just a slight bulge in the midriff, and large, full breasts.  I rubbed my hand slowly up and down her back.  "This infection is dangerous and I don't want to loose you the way I lost father" I said

She snuggled a little closer to me and said, "I really feel lucky to have a son like you who is so concerned about my health.".

"You are ready then." I said

"Not really, hand it to me I will use it later." she moaned

"No way, later this will get dry and useless."

I pushed her towards the pillow and asked her to raise her petticoat up.

"This is the third time I am going to show you my intimate places" She said and reluctantly pulled her petticoat up.

"Yah, no more shyness now." i remarked

She faced me with her legs spread open.  I sat and stared engrossed at the site of her now totally exposed pussy.  I could now clearly make out her large pink labia lips and even the nub of her clitoris.  I reached between her thighs and I pulled the tampon out.  It was soaked in blood, i threw into the dustbin.  We stared at each other for a few seconds until she raised herself back up.  I heard her take a sharp intake of breath as I moved closer.

"now let me put the syringe in you."

Reluctantly she obeyed.  I inserted the syringe into her and pushed semen into her.  She moaned and said, "its painful, pull it out."

"Be patient mom, its over."

I pulled the empty syringe out and shocked mom further by saying, "Good night Mom"

Next night I played another trick.  I handed the semen filled syringe to mom and asked her to use it herself.  She looked at me with a blank expression but said nothing.  I wanted to show her that its her health and not her body I was concerned about.  In morning I asked her whether she did the treatment and she replied in in 'yes'.  In the evening I asked her about her menstruation flow.  To my happiness she told me that her flow was not decreasing.  Immediately I suggested that we should meet the doctor P. K.  Girta again.  She was reluctant but I took her to Dr.  Girta.

He greeted us with his usual beaming smile.  He sat down on his stool and carefully began an oral examination of the mouth, teeth and eyes of mother.  His eyes were in level with hers.  "Both of you will be checked." he announced

"Mrs.  Dutta, I'd like you to take off your dress, lie down here and put your feet into these stirrups." Mom gulped, but then began removing her Saree.  Meanwhile, the doctor went over to a drawer and pulled out a large object - I suppose it was a dildo, but looked somehow different - like it could contain liquid.

Mom did as the doctor asked.  She was now stark naked, exposing her giant breasts, which stood up proudly, even though she was lying down, and now her vagina, which was visually twitching.  In fact, when she got a look at that device that was presumably about to enter her, her hips began thrust upwards obscenely.  "Oh god," she whispered."

So there was my plump and massively stacked mother, her muscular body writhing on the exam table, causing her simply enormous chest to shimmy and jiggle in constant motion.  Doctor P K Girta stood slightly to one side obscuring most of my view of my mother.

He put his hand on her tummy and slowly slipped it down between her legs. Mom couldn't help herself and let out a little gasp as his finger touched her engorging clit.

"Very good." Said the doctor in matter of fact tones.  "I have measured the depth of your Vagina and now let me measure the length of Mr.Dutta 's penis."

Saying this he turned towards me and asked me to take off my lower garments.  As took my pant and underwear off my erect cock came into his view he remarked,

"I am pleased to see that the naked body of your wife excite you very much."

"Um, yes, I guess, doctor." I Mumbled

"You look quiet big but let me see how long you are."

He took my cock in his hand messaged it slowly.  Despite the fact that I had no homosexual tendencies, the feelings were nice.  He measure my cock by his bare hand.  He again started messaging my cock.

"Oh god, I going to cummmm!" I cried

"Yes cum please.  I want to examine your sperm." He said

Just before I started cumming he he picked a beaker and collected my cum into it.  and examined it for a short time.  To cut long story short.  The doctor told us that my mom had a deeper cunt but luckily I had a long cock to penetrate it.  He suggest to me that for the correct angle I should fuck my wife by raising her bum over a pillow.  He also said that if this will not be done then problem will become acute.  he changed one medicine.  The changed medicine was meant to control the flow of blood really.


Way back home we spent the time silently.  Once inside our home we settled on a couch in the reception room.

"So...  what are you going to do?  I asked curiously.

"I don't know know what to do next?  Your father is left me in a mess" She sounded frustrated and sad.

"Face the reality mom, father is dead." I told her

"I know, I know,"

She sat quietly, more then likely thinking about my father.  I hatched a plan.  A plan that would change our lives forever.  "Mom, what if...  what if I gave you some," I said, knowing how crazy the idea sounded.

"I don't think we could do that.  Besides, I could never ask something like that from you, " she said.

"Why not?" I asked a little hurt.

"Well...  because your my son and it would be a sin," she replied.

"I don't see how.  If you needed a blood transfusion, you wouldn't stop me from giving you some of mine.  This isn't that different," I said confidently.

"It is wrong.  It is wrong when a son starts to imagine his mother in the way you have been.  You mustn't think of me in such a way." She pleaded, feeling tears welling in her eyes.

"Wrong to whom mom?  to you?  to me?  who?"

"I just feel like a wreck.  I wish to die" She said and started sobbing. I could see the sweat on her face, I could hear the heavy breathing, and I could feel the darkness that enveloped her.

I pulled her in my arms and said, "It's all right; you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

My hand made slow wide circles on her back and she calmed a bit.  I told her to rest on the couch and she went onto her stomach.  I continued the stroking.  My hand rubbed her back.  In five minutes she was quiet and breathing easily; I couldn't tell if she was asleep.  She didn't move or say anything and I continued stroking her smooth skin.  In the minutes that passed, my heart drummed a beat to accompany my racing thoughts.  As if it was the most commonplace thing for a son to do, I ran my hand over my mother's ass and down her legs to her calves.  I was in the throes of desire, and reason had taken a distant second place.  Her breathing was deep, but even.

I massaged her that way for a while, unmistakably caressing the fleshy curve on my hand's journey, up and down the length of her body.  I urged her over and she turned with a sigh.  She wasn't asleep.  I repeated the soothing strokes beginning at her legs and over her thighs.  I crossed her belly and stroked and fondled her swollen breasts for a long time.  They felt full and the nipples became erect when my palms passed over them.  By then, my heart was pounding so hard you could have heard it in the next room.  Suddenly she spoke and started me telling about her sheltered childhood.  I knew that her mother had died when she was very young, but I had never heard the details.

"My father hardly ever let me leave the house and he never stopped telling me how dangerous it was 'Out there.' I know that he loved me and he wanted to protect me, and unfortunately, he had enough money for home schooling and for my elder sister who was always with me, so I ended up in the house most of the time.  I was so lonely then, I think I cried every night."

I stroked her hair and face and said, "I'm sorry mom." The sadness colored her words.

"You didn't really know your grandfather, he meant well, but there wasn't much anyone could tell him, and he had enough money to always get his way.  He had enough money for a lot of things."

"Mom, you never have to be ashamed of anything you do, you're a terrific loving person."

She put her arms around my neck and said, "Thank you my dear...can we talk more later?  Just hold me for a little while.  " I held her and she settled into my arms.  When I began touching her, she said,

"Looks like some evil has got in you,"

I wanted to hug her but it took a few attempts before she finally came inside my arms although she was struggling to get relieved.  My lips rested on her neck and began treading beneath her chin while I deliberately breathed hard to let my hot air fall on her smooth skin.

"You don't seem to be aware of what you are doing" She murmured as my hands reached further down to grip her firm ass cheeks tightly.  I could feel my dick stirring inside my briefs immediately after I began feeling her body all over me while my hands remained stubborn on her ass cheeks.

I loosened my grip on her ass cheeks and before she could get away, I held her face in between my hands and leaned forward towards her lips.  My eyes closed for a split second before my lips eagerly settled on hers.  After brushing either side of her lips gently, I slowly took her lips inside my mouth for what was to be my first kiss to my mother.  Soon I could feel the tips of our tongue meeting inside my mouth as my hands inched up to her waist again.  She moaned inside my mouth for a while before stopping and letting her body loose while she wasn't pushing me anymore.

"Are you coming mom?"

Without waiting for her reply, I began dragging her towards my room.  she kept moving along showing no hint of resistance.  No sooner I got inside the room, I took one more prolonged kiss on her lips.  It was the sweetest mouth I had ever kissed.

"I will get the bed ready," I hushed.  I let her off as I knew that she wouldn't protest anymore and placed the pillow in the middle of the bed.  I was wondering if she was enough aroused to strip on her own even though my hands were itching to pull her saree to see her rolling.  I grabbed her again and started rolling her saree and petticoat together upwards till I reached her waist.  she said 'don't' and did not budge.  I tugged again, "Don't, you are shaming me," she said coquettishly.  I tugged again she lifted up her pelvis and in one move I pulled off her sari and skirt.

"Don't," she said, but I could see her spreading her thighs ever so slightly.  Pulling her tampon down, I planted myself with my knees in the space between her legs.  It was blood stained on the inside.  Her vulva was shining from a recent shave.  The labia major seemed redder from increased blood flow, and the leaves of the labia minor were leaves still, but thicker leaves.  The clitoral hood swollen, and when I spread out the inner leaves a turgid clitoris peeped out.  Every part felt warmer too.  There was blood staining as was to be expected.

"Don't," she said aloud, but she was spreading her thighs.  I went forward and using the fingers of both hands I parted the inner leaves to bring the clitoris forwards.  I kissed the clitoris.  She shuddered and made the clicking noise.  There is no doubt that the clitoris and labia minora are extremely sensitive during the periods.  Both of us were as high as it was possible to go.

As my head moved upwards, I began hearing some snapping sounds.  I placed my nose in between her pussy lips and moved up and down a few times making her moan louder than before.  Soon I replaced my nose with my chin to make sideways movements evoking the same response from my mother.  Just as I eventually placed my lips on her pussy, her fingers held my hair in a cluster and as I looked up, she leaned forward bringing her bare breasts hanging much closer to my eyes.  Her areolas were as big as the lids of talcum powder containers.

"Take me to the bed," She pleaded.  I reached out to her tits hanging above me, cupped them with both my hands; pressed them as gentle as I can before I got on my heels.  Both of us were nude to the hilt.  She kept walking with me to the bed and sat down even before I thought of bringing her down.  I hugged her from behind after sliding her dense long hair as my bare chest touched her fleshy back.  My left hand found its way underneath her armpit to hold her left breast gleefully.  It was a terrific feeling to have her enormous tits on my palm while she swung her head from right to left.  She flexed her body nicely, letting her right arm to go over my left shoulder thereby exposing her right breast as well.  My right hand rushed towards her mountainous flesh.  Both my hands were positioned on her breasts and they soon began squeezing and stroking all over.  My thumbs occasionally kneaded her nipples forcing my mother to jerk like a teenage girl.

"Go down a bit," I spoke while pushing her gently further down till it was convenient for me to take my mouth towards her right breast.  Her hard right nipple looked as though it was inviting my mouth for some feast.  My head bowed down enough to reach close to her right tit and she swirled immediately after my chin touched her nipple.  My tongue jumped out of my mouth without waiting for any orders and began to lash at her perky nipple. She kept swirling and swaying while she kept letting louder moans.  My itching right hand got into the act by cupping her right tit, squeezing it softly while I was slowly devouring her wonderful globe.  She arched her body letting her ass cheeks to bang against my waist and my long dick found the way right between her thighs.  Was she shivering?

I thrust my cock slowly in her pussy, she held me tight closing her eyes, I continued kissing her mouth as I plunged deeper and deeper into her. I stopped and looked at her.  She opened her eyes and looked and at me, nodding to me to continue.  I started to rock in her pussy harder and harder, as I moved up and down, watching her boobs sway as I caught it with hands and cupped them tight and sucked on her nipples as I banged her faster and faster.


"Beta, son, fuck my pussy hard, bang it, tear it"

"Yes, mom, your wish is my command"

"Faster son, Faster Danish"


"I want your sperm in me beta" She cried

"Oh mother, I am fucking you, my own sexy horny mother, my pussy wife" I shouted

"Yes, fuck me, make your mother a wife son" She cried

I fucked her up and down as she bucked her ass towards me.  I looked at her as she looked at me smiling, happy.

"Mother, I am going to tear your pussy" I shouted as I banged her.

"Call me Rina, my husband" Mom looked at me smiling.

"Rina, my wife, my sweet wife" I said as banged her pussy hard

"AAAAAAAAAAH, fuck me, fuck me, fuck your mother, make her shameless, fuck me" She shouted

"Mother, you shameless woman, getting fucked by your own son, open your legs wider, so your son can fill you with his semen" I shouted

My thrusts got faster, as we both moaned louder "AAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"



"YES, MOTHER, my wife" I screamed as I shot my wad in her pussy

Mom moaned as her wet pussy sucked all the juice out of my cock.  She looked at me and kissed me on the forehead.  We slept in each others arms naked, our arms and legs entwined.  I didn't dream, I don't think, I just slept, like I had never slept before.

I don't know after how much time but I woke up by shaking of the bed.  I was lying facing the window, with my back towards Mom.  By the movements I sensed that she is trying to sit up.  Mom switched on the bed side lamp and I saw her, in the mirror on the wall, sitting with her back on the headboard holding her hands on to her face.  I saw tears streaming down her cheek.  In between her sobs she was chanting Oh Lord!  Oh My God!  and truly so.  What happened was quite out of ordinary.

I was thinking about the tumultuous events of last night and looking at mom.  When she was holding her hands on to her face, her arms obscured the view, but as she wiped her eyes and let arms drop to sides her magnificent bust came into my view.  He magnificent boobs were swollen like they are still full and were round in shape.  Surprisingly, without bra, they still formed a delightful cleavage.

I was soaking the view.  Mom sitting with her head thrown back, her beautiful neck stretched her breasts heaving slightly due to her hard breathing was a picture that I will carry to my funeral.  Her bare rounded shoulders her raised chin GOD ALMIGHTY!  Everything was sooooooo...o very perfect.

Then she raised her arm to the back of her head, sat upright and started to tie her hair.  She looked at me, and I felt her hand on my head.  She lovingly ran her fingers on my scalp, caressed my cheek and said, "Why have you made me do this my son?"

"Don't hold your self guilty for whatever happened.  You did try to avoid but you too are human and succumbed to the desires of your body.'

With a sigh she continued, 'I lost my stature in the eyes of my own son. I am not the person you revered and respected, from this day onwards, to you I am a wanton women who couldn't keep her legs together even at this age.'

'Mom please, I love you even more, and you must understand love cannot exist without respect.  You have turned into a Deity, to whom I shall offer my respect, love and if the need be life.  I wasn't looking forward to have carnal relations with my own mother, it happened nevertheless.  It was destiny, we may take it the way it comes or would be dragged into it kicking and crying, whichever way but rest assured destiny will take its course.'

She stopped weeping, looked at me with a surprised look 'Are you trying to convince me that whatever happened was right and We should continue with this act of sin hiding behind the destiny and justify our carnal desire?'

'Mom look into my eyes and tell me you hate me for happened and that you do not want it to continue.  Swear by me and I will never ever bother you. However I will keep your image in my soul as my carnal deity yet would never ask you for sexual favours.  Tell me Mom.' I myself wept without knowing.

She looked at me with those big deep eyes and murmured 'Oh!  My God!' she continued to look at me in a trance like state, as if she was looking beyond my physical self.  I left my place to sit next to her.  She scooted, to accommodate me, I put my arm around her and pulled her to me.  She rested her head on my shoulder and snaked her arm across my chest to hold me.  As I caressed her face she let out a moan and tried to bury her face in me.  She stopped sobbing and just clung to me.

I sat holding her for a long time enjoying the bliss.  I was feeling what I never felt before.  It wasn't lust, wasn't love either, till date I couldn't fathom what was it.  It was something divine, there wasn't any confusion of guilt and desire anymore, things were crystal clear to me that I now have a divine duty to worship and love mother.

Holding her to me and feeling her breasts pressing into my sides did give me an erotic feeling and I was aroused but the feeling of her being my mother was there too.  I am going to love and worship this Goddess in the form of my mother and not in any other form.

I brushed her lips with my thumb and felt her lips quiver to my touch, I gently pried open her lower lip and pushed little of my thumb to her.  Amazingly her upper lip closed on my thumb in attempt to a passive kiss.

I held her chin and lifted it up, now she was looking straight into my eyes with her lips partly open in anticipation of my next move.  I did not shy away from her gaze and looking directly into her lowered my mouth on hers.

She shivered at the first touch, and as I snaked my tongue in to her mouth she welcomed me inside without hesitation and tightened her hold on me.  We kept kissing she did not resist , she was not duelling boldly though.  She coyly toyed with my lips with her tongue and sometimes just gently held my lower lip between hers.

This game of coy loving and kissing continued till I felt her relaxing, just a bit, then I started to caress top of her breasts with my fingertips. She tightened her hold on my shoulders and snaked her right arm behind my back to hold me in a hug.

I let my hand go down her front, gently fondling and caressing her breasts.  Feel of fine linen of her Kurta was doubling the pleasure.  I reached for her soft belly and caressed it, toying with her belly button from above the garment.  Then I went further down to reach inside the garment from below.  It was stuck under her arse, I tugged twice but to no avail, she gently raised her hips to facilitate my moves.  As she rose I bunched the garment free from underneath and pushed my hands under.  As my fingers touched her naked flesh she shivered and let out a moan and a long hiss.  I played my fingers on her soft smooth belly and teased her belly button.  I kept moving my hand upwards till it touched her mounds.

Once again her body stiffened yet there was no resistance, neither active nor passive, her moans and hisses were only sound she made and her hold on me remained tight and snug.  I moved my hands on top of her bra clad breasts and gently squeezed each one of them.  Encased in a cotton bra they were taut and felt heavy.

I kissed her full on her mouth and pushed my tongue inside and at the same time reached for her back and snapped the hooks open in a swift move. She gasped but continued playing with my tongue.

I brought my hands forward, freed her mounds and started to squeeze and caress them.  I gently held her nipple between my thumb and index finger and gave it a soft rub.  She let out an oh...maa!  and sank lower till she was on her back with her shoulders resting high on piled pillows.  I scooted to lie next to her propped on my elbow.  I was looking into her face our eyes met and she closed hers.

I moved on to kiss her and at the same time pried her arms away to access her tits.  I started to knead and squeeze and it was like as if I am just not getting enough.  I went on to swirl my tongue around her areola and flip her big nipples.  As I touched her nips a long hiss escaped her lips and she put her arms around me.

Now we were like eternal lovers, her hesitation and shame had been pushed past and she started to reciprocate in subtle moves.  It heightened the pleasure of lovemaking.  She was behaving like a nubile girl being touched for the first time.

I held both her tits in hand and gave them a hard squeeze, she squealed and opened her eyes to find me looking straight into her, holding my head she pulled me to her face and kissed me full snaking her tongue inside.  We were now kissing passionately with a hunger that none of us knew before.  She kissed my cheek and forehead then returned to my lips with a vigor.  She hungrily lapped and licked my lips.

I moved my hand on to her naked belly and my hand reached top of her vagina she bit her lower lip and turned her face away from me.  With my other hand I forced her straight and gently proceeded to cup her mound.

She had her eyes closed shut , 'look at me mom' she didn't .  I squeezed her pussy hard 'Mom please' she opened her eyes and looked piercingly with her deep eyes carrying an expression of desire.  I started to caress and run my finger along the length of her slit.  She bit her lip, squirmed raised her chin and loosened her thighs subtly.  I slipped my middle finger in her flowing wet pussy.

'ooo...oofff....Maa!' she threw her arms around me and roughly pulled me for a violent hungry kiss.  At the same time I felt her gently moving her thighs wider, I pushed deeper into her, ring finger joined middle inside, and I commenced a slow and long in-out motion.

She bit my lips sucked my tongue in and ran her tongue along my mouth. I moved on to caress and suckle on her erect nips.  I felt them hard and rubbery between my lips.

Continuing to manipulate her pussy with my fingers I moved down to run my tongue across her belly.  I gave her light loving bites all across her soft ample belly.  She oooo...hhed!  And aaa...hed!  And Hisss...ssed!  every time I nibbled on her soft quivering flesh.  I propped me on elbow and looked at her.  Her eyes were glazed, they were calm and deep.  She did not avoid my gaze and smiled coyly or rather there was just a hint of smile. She reached forward and her hands started roaming freely over my naked back, from shoulders to top of my bums.  Looking into her dreamy eyes I reached out to caress her mound again.  This time she didn't flinch at my touch and kept looking at me.

I pierced her pussy with middle and ring finger and started to play with her engorged clit with thumb.

Mom bit her lips, arched her back 'Oooo....ooooohhh!  Danny cannot take it anymore, son I have come too far to turn back.  Love or lust, to differentiate is not easy.'

'Mom what is it I cannot fathom, however I feel it is neither.  It is divine worship.  You suffered pain to bring my form in this World, and I am following my divine duty to serve you pleasure.  Tell me Mom, you call it an act of sin, so am I to think that every living creature on this planet is an out come of sinful act committed by their parents.  Why do we rejoice birth of a baby, is it wrath of Gods or God's gift to the mankind.  Oh no do not come up with your logic of who has been given the right to bed whom. Papa whom you never knew before marriage rightfully took you to bed and made love to you, mind you maa, "made love".  Some body you never loved before has the right to love you, and your own flesh & blood 'me' is forbidden.  Why Mom, why?  You may not have an answer to it.  But I am not feeling guilty of sin, rather feeling divine, loving you.'

'Ooof Beta Where was your knowledge darling, in few hours you turned into a Philosopher, truly said Men have their brains between their legs' she quipped with a sly smile and pulled me to her for a kiss.  Strangely there was no rush of madness, no animalistic passion I was going about the business with a calm desire.  I was surprised of my own restrain.  Suddenly I wanted to see her; I wanted to see her entire self, not just the part closer to me.

I got up and stood by the side of the bed and looked at her.

She hurriedly tried to cover herself; I bent down to stop her 'Mom let me soak in your image in the form of Rati.  Please do not deprive me of the blessed sight.' Listening to my plea she relaxed, she struck me a pose, bent her knees twisted her body from waist above with her hands stretching out.  My God she looked gorgeously sexy, like lady straight from the carvings of Khajuraho, and her smile had almost made me come straight away.

I shed my shorts and re-took my position beside her.  Snaked my arm from underneath her neck and pulled her closer to kiss her.  She responded openheartedly and pushed her tongue inside, her hands were roaming freely on my naked back, traversing from shoulders to my naked bums.  She ran her fingers along the crack of my arse with a slight pressure pushing little between the cheeks.  She caressed and squeezed and scratched which send me high up in heavens.  Now that guilt and taboo nature of our relationship is left way behind, it was so fulfilling that I could have just stayed like that entire day without making love.  Time stopped for me, I did not want this moment to pass.

I took her hand and guided her to my engorged penis, she touched it gingerly at first and then loosely held the shaft.  After what seemed like an era to me, she started to palm and caress my balls.  I raised my self and looked at her, 'Mujhe garv hai ki tum mere hi sharer se utpann ho'(You are of my flesh & blood, and I am proud of you) she said while running her hand along the length of my penis.  She gave it a hard squeeze and pulled me between her breasts.

Taking the cue to raise the game to next level, I slithered down to position my face between her magnificent thighs, ready to take plunge in her honey pot.

She stopped me, 'Danny Just break on through to the other side with me my darling son, before I lose the courage to come along.  There will be time for enjoying each other in future, right now just let me ride on.'

I curbed my desire to dip my tongue into her and slid over to kneel between her thighs.  She widened her thighs allowing me ample space to position myself for penetration.  I held my penis and started rubbing it along her pussy in slow deliberate moves, putting just enough pressure to slide between her labia and tease her clit.  She arched her back and let out a moan and a hiss every time penis rubbed her clitoris.

'Hey Maa I seek your blessing for this divine copulation, welcome me in your depths, from where I came and to where I want to arrive' Keeping hands on her either side I looked into her eyes twinkling with pleasure and a hint of tears.

'Come O my son your mother, I ,offer you my body and soul to consume but you have to promise that you will follow your duty and respect the boundaries of our love.' Saying this she held my penis and placed it at the opening of her pussy.  With slight movement of her hips she urged me to push.

I backed to kneel again between her thighs and watched penis slowly disappearing into her depths, I saw her labia stretching to accommodate and her engorged clit quivering.  Feeling was too good to bear, I pulled out all the way and holding her waist pushed it all the way in one smooth stroke.

Mom gasped and let out a long moan.  I looked up at her, I saw her biting her lips and arching her back but to my surprise her eyes were locked on to mine.  She kept looking at me and then raised her arms, beckoning me to lie on her.  I sunk into her arms, put my lips on hers and probed my tongue inside, which she welcomed and started to suck on it.  I stayed still feeling wet warmth of her pussy, all my senses were concentrated on my penis.

After a while I started to move, not exactly intending to saw into her but just to keep the sensitivity alive.  Mom looking intent raised her legs and crossed them over my back.  Taking the cue I started to fuck in deep long slow strokes and settled in a rhythm.  I was pulling out more than half the length and slowly jammed it to the hilt sending waves in her flowing belly.  I continued to do it with out any hurry and our eyes locked into each other.  She gave sensuous looks biting her lower lip and murmuring 'ooo...ooff!  Aa..ah beta!  Hmmm..hmph!' this drove me wild but with tremendous self restraint I maintained slow fucking.

Keeping my self in her I raised and sat kneeling between her thighs.  I wanted to look at her, I soaked up her image of lady in love, roamed my eyes all over her till I saw my rod embedded in her.  I Pushed it a little and then pulled out, it felt exotic, my penis glistening with juices going in and out of my beloved mom's pussy.  Pussy that was forbidden to me till yesterday, the same that pussy delivered me, my entire self in this world. Oh My!  feeling was indescribable.  I reached for her now spread and raised legs and started to caress her fleshy calves and thighs.  I wasn't soft with my touch but squeezed hard.  I looked at her and saw her smile.

'What I see in your eyes cannot be sin.  I never felt any thing lacking yet I am feeling a completeness.  Come My darling son give your mother what she had been waiting for with out even knowing'.  Saying this she spread her thighs in an almost impossible posture.  She lifted her thighs, hooked her elbow underneath her knees and pulled upwards till her arse got upturned and her pussy exposed to receive me.

I hunched on her placing my hands on her sides and started to hump her with hard deep plunges.  Every time I struck hard into her depths her pussy tilted backwards giving me even deeper penetration.  I maintained deep fucking rhythm sending ripples in her belly.  Her breasts swayed with every thrust, she arched her back and lifted her chin.

'Ooo...oof Maa!  hhmmp....hmph!  Aaaaaaa.......h beta!  Fill me up my son.  Can't believe I am doing it but I am loving it.  Aaaaa..........aaahhh..!  beta.  She urged me on and I paced more.  Now I was fucking her hard and fast.  She raised her head and looked down her belly at my penis going in and out of her depths.  What she saw drove her mad with desire.  She wrapped arms around my back and pulled me to her.  I landed on her breasts and started to suck on her nipple.  This multiplied her pleasure manifolds and she egged me on....

'I wish I still had them full' I sucked harder, 'Aa...aaaaaa..aahh Danny. '

I mauled her breasts and sucked'em nipples harder alternating left and right and continued to saw my penis hard and fast inside Mom.  My hips were pounding her pudendum with an urgency making hard slapping sounds which in harmony with her moans, hisses and incoherent encouragement was music.  Her pussy felt like nothing I ever felt before, not that I had tasted many, but off course did have some.

Now her hands were on my arse and she held them hard, digging her nails. Mom was now using her hands to slam my penis into her even harder.  With every thump she let out an aaah and hiss.

I still wish , if I could watch her in that pose, hands holding my arse legs thrown high up in the air and her body undulating with every slam of my hip.(Later into our relationship I expressed my desire to record our lovemaking and she agreed.  When she saw it she loved it so much that now she wants handy cam around every time we make love.  )

Suddenly in an urgent move she got her legs down planted her feet firmly on bed with her knees bent and raised.  She started to raise her hips with every move.  God almighty she was now humping me from below.  She was ramming my hips hard onto her pussy and raising her hips to meet me.  She did it with such vigor that it was becoming difficult for me keep pace with her.  There was a riot on the bed, desperate slamming of our bodies with moans ,hisses and grunts echoing in the room.

I sensed she is approaching her orgasm, I played along with no moves of my own.  I played an instrument, taking my mother to peak.  She was humping so hard that I found myself completely out of control and was like a doll between her thighs.

Danny...aa...aahh.....Danny bĂȘte do it it harder my son.  I am just about to arrive son please pull me over' with that she urged me on and I started to ram into her deep.  I placed my mouth on her breasts and suckled on her nips.  I bit them hard and she moaned aa..aaaah!  beta.

Her jabs were getting shorter and with urgency, she was getting there. I moved on to kiss her.  She immediately pushed her tongue inside and I sucked hardly on her tongue.

'Aii....i...y..y...iii...eee.e.....aaaaah!' She arched her back to an impossible angle raising her entire body and supporting our joint weight on her shoulders and feet and started to release.  She scratched and dug nails into my back.  She held that pose for few seconds and slumped back screaming 'oh my son don't stop or I will die just give it to me my son GIVE IT.'

She once again raised her thighs.  I held her thighs and pushed them over to expose her slobbering pussy and started to saw my penis in long and hard strokes.  I knew she is in the middle of her pent up orgasm and desperately needs hard fucking to let go.

Yes...yes....mere bĂȘte bas thoda aur ....a little more, haaaaa.rder.. ....I am just there darling just there....  Honey harder ...shr..i..e..k I am losing it Danny hold me honey' And she clutched me in her vice like grip and held me still.  I let go of her thighs and fucked her in short jabs she bucked her hips to take more of me inside.

She did not ooze, rather bled her juices profusely, my penis was making a sloshing sound going in and out of her pussy.  Now she lay relaxed and lose, sweat poured from her body.  She smelled of sweat and sex and it drove me nuts.  I stayed still burying my face in between her breasts inhaling her intoxicating aroma.

Mom pushed me holding my shoulders and looked at me lovingly, running her fingers on my face.  She smiled, her face was glowing, she was a different woman now, she once again lifted her thighs and wriggled her arse to remind me of fucking.

I resumed in nice slow strokes, observing expressions on her face.  'OH...Danny aisa visphotak charam maine aaj tak anubhav nahin kiya.'(Oh Danny I never had such explosive orgasm ever before in my life.) She said haltingly between her moans.  I reached to kiss her with a smile.  'I love you Mom' she held my face and kissed on my forehead, eyes , nose and then on mouth sucking my lower lip into her.

I was striving for my own peak thus started to fuck with long and hard strokes.  I pulled out more than half and then jabbed it hard in her.  She reciprocated by pulling her thighs further up and thus receiving me in her upturned pussy to the hilt.  Initially she kept mewing and sucking in but as tempo increased she rode high on her own excitement encouraging me.

'Oooo...oof Son fill me up, sow your seed in your mother's womb my darling.' And so on.  I realized we are not using any protection and she could get knocked up.  Erotic feeling, huh!  Knocking up the womb which carried you for 9 months.  But soon my worries were put to rest.

She was now completely out of her mould of worldly alignments.  She was open heartedly exclaiming her love and desire.  I too was reaching my peak. Eager to bring this union to conclusion I started fucking hard and fast.  I moved on to hold her breasts for leverage and started to savagely saw into her.  It must have been painful as I held her breasts with all my strength and pulled them to ram into her.  I felt my orgasm building up.

'Mom .....Oh my beloved here I come.  Oh Ma take me in you accept my seed.  Oooooooooo....ooh!  Ma.'

'Cum my darling son bless your mother's pussy with your virile seed.  This vagina longed your seed for my uncountable past lives.  Come my darling fill me up.'

I let go of her breasts, snaked arm underneath her neck and pulled her to kiss.  I mashed her mouth with mine and started to shoot my cum into her. She sensed my eruption and planting her feet on the bed started to buck her hips to receive me.  She reached out for my bums and started to slam-bam again.

'Oh Danny....  I am gone again.' She let out an animal grunt and continued to her second orgasm humping me back.  She grunted with every stroke.  I bucked my hips to pour all that was there in her willing womb. My frantic humps faded into slow bucking till my mother squeezed all of what she wanted.

After our fucking frenzy came to an end we laid spent and exhausted.  Me on top of her while she held me close and tight with her arms across my back.  I sensed her pussy pulsing and gripping my penis in her post orgasm rigors.  The feeling was exquisite, as she milked my penis with her pussy I moved again a little only to be stopped by her.  She asked me to stay still and let her feel me inside.

My penis shrunk and popped out of her.  Mom smiled at me and asked me to get off, saying that she needs to clean herself.  I slid off her and laid by her side.

She sat up, looked between her spread out legs and exclaimed 'Danny dekho tumne kya kiya hai.'(Danny see what you have done)

I don't know what happened next because I fell int o deep sleep.

Next morning when I woke up I did not see mom in the bed.  I was still naked in my bed.  Just then I heard some noise from the kitchen.  I quickly put on my shorts on and went into the kitchen.  Mom was preparing breakfast for us.  She was standing in a new saree with her hair hanging loose.

"Go and brush your teeth, the breakfast will be ready in two minutes, hurry up."

"Maaaa, I am not a kid anymore."

"You always will be my baby." She said as if nothing unimagineable happened between us.

I went behind her and put my hands around her belly and kissed her cheek. She came near me put her arms around my neck and pressed her breasts against me and said,

"Ok now go get ready, you are getting late from the work."

"Today is holiday mom"

"Then you must go to the market and buy vegetables and other stuff, we are almost out of stock"

"Fuck stock, I have some better things to do Mom"

"Danish you know how late we slept.  I got up early like always and now want some rest."

Meanwhile mom set the breakfast on table.  We ate silently for few minutes then I said to her,

"We will take rest but on the same bed."

"Are you really concened about my health or else?" she asked blushing

"I confess I love you Mom" I said bluntly

"You have tasted the forbidden, now you want to repeat it." she said shyly

"Just tell me truthfully you enjoyed it or not?" I asked

"I won't lie to you, yes it was wonderful."

"Am I as good as father?" I said and she laughed

"Your father was clumsy but he was the only one with whom I had sex.  I don't know much about these things."

"Atleast you can tell how you felt when I was inside you.?"

"When you were inside me, the walls of my ..  uh" She stopped.  She was shy of saying directly "choot"(pussy)

"choot" I whispered in her ears realizing her hesitation.  She blushed.

"Yes.  The walls were stretched so pleasurably towards all the directions.  It was never ever stretched that pleasurably in my life.  In fact Danish For the first time in my life I have realized how intense sexual pleasure can be.  You have made me feel like a woman again."

"Me too ma I also felt that firm but pleasurable grip and it was so exciting to be inside you , the place where I was born."

"I also felt so excited to have you inside me after 25 years," she said.

I grabbed her hand and this time took her to her bedroom.  We laid in each others arms.  I was only wearing my shorts and she was in her usual sari and blouse.  I buried my head in her breast and she affectionately started moving her fingers through my hair and caressing my back just like a mother would do to her baby.  I started caressing her back while remaining buried inside her breasts.  She was getting warmed up for the game.  I noticed the same musky scent again which was now turning me on I now knew its origin.  I removed the sari from her body then unbuttoned her blouse.  Her breathing had already increased.  I turned her over, her back against the bed, blouse unbuttoned and me on top of her.  I slowly removed her blouse while she kept smiling.  I lifted her arms over her head exposing her unshaven underarms.  I bent towards each of them I smelt the musky aroma which emit when a woman is having her periods.

"Ma this smell is driving me mad"

"Your father never liked it."

"But its driving me crazy." I quickly began to remove her remaining clothes.

"Oh dear why so hurry?" she asked.

"Ma I want you ma."

"I am yours honey, just don't hurry"

I slowed down the momentum.  Then a lot of kissing cuddling and caressing followed.  When we both realized that its time to get connected, she spread open her legs parting lips of her pussy with one hand so that I could easily get inside her.

"SssssAhhhhh" she moaned as I entered my home.

I started to move in and out her pussy sending pleasure waves inside our bodies.  "Ohhh yesss go deep inside me."

I then plunged myself deep inside her as long as I could go.

"Ohhh my god its so gooood."

She spread her legs wide enough to be at ease.  Meanwhile I kept kissing her, smelling her and pumping my dick in and out of her body.  When I saw she was comfortable and ready for the final, I increased my speed.

"Ohhh Danny keep doing keep doing."

"Sssssshhh Maaa."

She was raising her waist against my dick to receive it as I pushed forward.  Her silky pussy was wet and warm and was giving me that great cosy feeling.  I was lying over her body feeling her warmth, her soft breast were pressing against me and her aroma was driving me mad.  She was trying to spread her legs as far as she could.

"Ohhhh ma your choot is so soft"

"Ahhhh faster Son faster, faster I will come now," she was screaming with pleasure.

My condition was no different I was excited enough to come any moment, But I controlled myself so as to not to go limp before she comes.

"Fill me now fill my choot fill it fill it fill it"

I could not take it any more and I came inside her shooting my sperms inside her.

"Ahhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Ohhhhh, Ohhhhhh,"

She came violently just as I was shooting inside her.  Waves of pleasure ran through our bodies.  My dick was pulsating inside her filling her pussy. She held me as tightly as she could, her fingers buried in my back. I could feel her pussy pulsating.  Her eyes were closed and her lips tightly closed as the pleasure she was feeling was beyond her control.  I was also holding her tightly and enjoying the intimacy.  We lay in that position for a while.  She was holding me tightly and would not allow me to withdraw, but eventually we separated.  My mother was looking more happy and satisfied as she plunged herself against my chest.  I was moving my fingers through her hair and caressing her back.  She quickly felt asleep as she was now feeling secured in my arms.  I also felt asleep soon after.

Only after two days mom reperted that her problem is cured.  I told her if she will stop the treatment her problem will come back.  Blushfully she agreed to continue with me.  Days, weeks and months passed by we were living a blissful life.  We had a very good and active sex life.  Look if she is not going to find a wife for me than she should act as my surrogate wife.