Careless Naked image - Ref: 1591866001

Guruji Ka Sex Treatment - Part 22

Published on: 2023-06-09 21:05:13

I was excited as well as nervous too; nervous of being watched; watched by Sudha and Natasha, who were much, much younger than me! Their presence was actually hindering me to some extent to extract the full joy out of Guru-ji’s passionate kissing and in my anxiety I was getting dry in the mouth. I was getting so keyed up that I wished I could rub my heavy breasts on his hairy chest and just bite his shoulder!

Unfortunately, I had to constrain my emotions largely due to Natasha and Sudha though Guru-ji was virtually plundering the whole of my mouth with his wet tongue in the name of demonstration and I did not even notice when his hands slid from my waist to my round spherical butt cheeks and he was kneading them rather handsomely!

Me: Ummm… Ahhhh…. Uuuuuuuuuuchhhhh….

I was getting deeply immersed in his kissing when at one point of time Guru-ji parted his lips from mine.

Guru-ji: Natasha, Sudha… I hope you have keenly followed what I demonstrated and for the saliva to mix appropriately with the holy liquid, the devotee in turn needs to suck the lips and tongue of the medium…. Okay? Do you need any more demo?

Sudha and Natasha: No Guru-ji.

I could jolly well realize that as Guru-ji was normally talking I should also stand straight and stop clinging to his body pasting my big mammaries onto his hairy chest, but unfortunately I was so much keyed up by that time that it was very hard for me to stand properly. I could feel the known itch inside my panty and was virtually forced to shamelessly scratch my fingers there in front of everybody!

Then within moments the whole setting of the room as if changed into a desi porno movie scene! All of us, the three girls, stood on the mattress in front of the three males with our hands on their waists and they were all ready to publicly kiss us! Sanjeev and Uday had previously taken some bluish liquid from a bowl, supposedly the holy liquid, in their mouths and waited for Guru-ji, who after narrating some strong Sanskrit mantras, took some liquid in his mouth too. As Natasha put her arms on Guru-ji’s waist, Sanjeev seemed to be getting restless to start! I did not know why I was feeling a shade envious each time I noted Uday close to that teenager Sudha! Though I had lost a substantial amount of my infatuation towards Uday, which was very profound in my initial days at the ashram, but some residual emotions seemed to be still existing in me!

As Sanjeev was slowly closing on my lips, I was still trying to look to my side where Uday was on the verge of kissing this sweet sixteen Sudha. I could hardly concentrate any more elsewhere as I found Sanjeev’s warm thick lips have taken control of my soft lower lip and his fingers digging deep into my exposed wet waist. Since I was the most charged up among the three women present there, I immediately started emanating soft moans and pretty soon the room was echoing all sorts of sexy unabashed sounds as Sudha and Natasha heated up!

Sanjeev was utilizing this opportunity fully to once again grope and feel my sexy voluptuous body. His hands were roving very boldly on my sari-less back and wet petticoat feeling my panty inside and of course his fingers squeezing at strategic points! Due to this heavy dose of kissing, the holy liquid in his mouth was getting amply transferred to mine and within moments Sanjeev was even sucking my tongue with full vigor! Though I was trying my best to control my emotion with Sanjeev, he was doing things pretty passionately and was kneading my firm buttock flesh in such obscene way that it was getting quite impossible for me to keep my composure.

Guru-ji and Natasha were standing in the middle in between me and Sudha and I could easily sense from the moans and mumbles of Natasha that Guru-ji was enjoying the lips of this blooming sexy young chick to the maximum! Unfortunately the way Sanjeev was caressing me was crossing the line of decency. The brut was in fact now trying to pull down my wet panty off my buttocks inside my petticoat! As my petticoat was fully wet and sticking to my ass curve, it was rather easy for him to trace my panty waistband and pull it down!

Me: Ouch! Eiii… Umm… Chuck… chuck…

I could feel my big gaand getting exposed inside my wet petticoat as Sanjeev had skillfully pulled my panty down some distance down my weighty ass flesh! There was no other way but to stop him with my hands and had to violate Guru-ji’s instruction of restricting my hands to the medium’s waist. I was unable to resist much as Sanjeev was kissing me now extremely fervently and had almost my whole mouth inside his! The warmth of his tongue and the sweet taste of the holy liquid painted my entire oral palate and due to my heated physical condition I started succumbing substantially!

Suddenly there was a break as I heard Guru-ji speaking!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Now that the holy waters have been transferred to your mouth, please don’t fully guzzle the liquid… try to keep it in your mouth… and in turn just suck our lips so that appropriate mixing with your saliva takes place… Okay?…. Jai Linga Maharaj… Start…

I was simply panting as Guru-ji spoke and same was the condition of Natasha and Sudha. Both girls were clinging to their male kissing partners shamelessly and must have been thoroughly enjoying this sexy Nirmalta Parikshan sequence! I was the slowest to start kissing my partner Sanjeev and in that split second I noticed that as Sudha met Uday’s lips, he quickly grazed his hand up her flat abdomen skin to the hem of her blouse and started feeling her small-sized blouse covered boobs! I naturally was not very amused seeing that and was cursing Guru-ji for allotting Sudha to Uday; he could easily have assigned me to Uday and Sudha to Sanjeev…

Though I was somewhat jealous seeing Uday making love to that new girl, I had to comply with Guru-ji’s instruction and hence I pushed up my head and reached for Sanjeev’s lips! My whole body trembled in exhilaration as I touched his masculine lips. My nails dug deep into his waist flesh and I began to suck his lower lip to amalgamate the holy liquid with the saliva, which was nothing but pure open kissing! Within moments I found Sanjeev’s hands trying to get in between our bodies to push up to my bosom. Though I resisted initially, but due to the whole setting (with lots of smooch sounds and soft moans around me and myself holding the lower lip of this man in my lips) I had to lay down my arms.

Sanjeev was quick to position himself for maximum thrill and placed his left hand over the smooth surface of my pumpkin ass and placed his right hand on my throbbing breasts. My blouse was on the verge of giving way and the hooks were stretched to the maximum when Sanjeev’s palm gripped tightly on my boob flesh. He created space in between our bodies by releasing off his body pressure on me so that his hand can move unhindered on my breast area! Sanjeev started squeezing my breasts steadily and very confidently, one breast at a time with his hollow palm accommodating my maximum boob flesh and his fingers digging deeply on my tight conical build up. Naturally I was getting extremely weak and was converging towards a heavy orgasm.

Same must have been the case with the other two girls too – Guru-ji milking the elder sister while Uday enjoying the younger one! When it seemed I was culminating towards the point of no return, Guru-ji dropped the curtains!

Guru-ji: Bas! That’s it! Jai Linga Maharaj! Sanjeev, Uday…. please leave your partners and step down from the mattress!

Though visibly unwilling, Sanjeev and Uday had to abide by Guru-ji and they left me and Sudha and stepped back to stand out of the mattress and very naturally all three of us looked extremely miserable! Not only myself, Sudha and Natasha both looked awfully exhausted to be kissed by strangers like that for such a prolonged period! And since the process of purification was not limited to “kissing” only, all three of us were looking pathetically sexy – our bodies were oozing out sensuality!

Our opulent upper treasures (especially mine and Natasha’s) were oozing out of our blouses and our nipples being very erect were greatly advertised through our wet blouse fabric! I was even having difficulty to stand normally as I could jolly well feel that my panty was halfway down over the curve of my buttocks under my petticoat; I doubted the same for Sudha too, but was unsure about Natasha as Guru-ji was her medium. I was shocked to note that Sudha’s petticoat string was hanging in the air which clearly indicated Uday must have tried to open that too! The rascal!

Guru-ji: Are you all okay? I know you must be feeling a bit hot… (smile) isn’t it? But am helpless girls… that’s how it is! I could not have bypassed any custom for Nirmalta Parikshan… you had to experience this… no shortcuts! But as I always say concentrate on the goal and you have achieved the purification! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Sanjeev and Uday voiced chorus and we three stood numb as if with a veil of sensuality and shyness residing concurrently on us! The two young unmarried girls were naturally looking all red and coiled up in front of three adult males gazing at their half-exposed physical beauty. I was at least somewhat more composed compared to Natasha and Sudha as I was already quite used to these sexy ashram workouts.

Guru-ji: Now go to the washroom, dry up, and wear the Pavitra Vastra… Sanjeev…

Sanjeev seemed equipped with our clothes set and readily picked that up from the corner and handed over to us. We naturally hurried to the adjacent washroom for some cover.

Natasha: Uff! I am feeling so uneasy… Ah!

Natasha almost immediately reacted as I closed the toilet door behind us. This toilet was fortunately spacious and accommodated three of us comfortably.

Sudha: So am I didi… I feel awfully hot… Ufff!

Me: Yes, that’s natural. We all were in so close proximity with those males naa….

Natasha: Bhabie… proximity! You are being so modest! I felt exactly like being with… Ahhh! (she exhaled deeply as she quickly unbuttoned her blouse) I can still sense Guru-ji’s lips… Uff what a session!

Me: Same here Natasha! Seems Sanjeev still is hugging me… Ahhhhh!

All three of us were unbuttoning our wet blouses as we conversed.
Natasha: Bhabie just tell me how was it… I mean how was the last part of the Nirmalta Parikshan different from a KISS?

Me: Dheere! Dheere! What are you doing? Speak softly!

Natasha: Oops! Sorry Bhabie! I totally forgot…

Sudha: Didi… be cautious… Guru-ji is only standing on the other side of the wall!

Natasha: Yes… yes… but Bhabie what should I say… at one time I just felt… I just felt as if my boyfriend was… My goodness! What sort of Parikshan is this? Did you not feel the same Bhabie?

Both Sudha and Natasha were now clad in their bra only and they were opening their wet petticoats now. As my fingers were scribbling through my blouse hooks my butter colored cleavage and milky white bra was getting exposed to them.

Me: Of course Natasha! Am I not a woman? And yes… if it was restricted to the lips only then also at least…

Sudha: You hit the bull’s eye Bhabie! Exactly! That man… what was his name… yes… yes… Uday… while his lips were on mine that scoundrel not only squeezed my tits, but also was trying to penetrate inside my petticoat! I couldn’t say anything as Guru-ji was present there and …

Natasha and Sudha were now standing in their sheer undies and simply looked awesome especially Natasha with her round protruding buttocks and ripe mango-like tits. As I looked at her I thought her figure possessed all the necessary ingredients to become a bombshell with more maturity. Her sister actually lacked the “flesh” which her elder sister was blessed with.

Natasha: Huh! And Bhabie… when Guru-ji had completed the holy liquid transfer with mine I noticed the other person… what was his name… yes… Sanjeev… yes… he was just hugging you like…. I mean err… so very inappropriately Bhabie!

I naturally felt a bit embarrassed as Natasha directly pointed out Sanjeev’s hot groping and naturally fumbled a bit to defend the situation.

Me: Yes… err… actually you know… I mean like Sudha (I had already opened my blouse and was now unhooking my bra) I also got very nervous due to Guru-ji’s presence and… err… that’s why I had to accept San… I mean that man’s… you know…

Natasha: Hmm. I can understand Bhabie… no need to explain… I saw everything… he was touching you all over and… Oops! Wow Bhabie!

The sudden “wow” from Natasha made me pause for a while.

Me: What happened?

Natasha: B-h-a-b-i-e… you have such big breasts! Wow!

I could not stop smiling and blushed heavily. Natasha instantly stepped forward and felt my naked breasts with her fingers.

Natasha (smiling): Umm… So tight and firm Bhabie… very beautiful!

As soon as Natasha touched my naked tits, my nipples naturally stood up and made my mammaries look more sexy and attractive.

Me: Don’t worry chick! You also have nice ones (I cupped her firm balls inside her bra) and once you are married you will get to my size… (controlled laughter)

Natasha blushed. Sudha handed me my towel so that I could dry off.

Me: Thanks… but wait dear… (I smiled) the panty is still on.

Sudha: He he… okay I will wait… you take that off first….

For a moment I felt slightly awkward as being the eldest I was getting naked first. The two sisters still had their bra and panty on their bodies.

Me: Arre… what are you two waiting for? Take off you panty!

Sudha & Natasha (smiling): Yes, yes Bhabie… with pleasure! He he he…

Saying that the two sisters also stripped off their panties and exposed their choot. I also started pulling down my panty over my round ass to expose my hairy choot.

Sudha & Natasha: Wow Bhabie…. (in chorus)

Me: Eii… don’t stare like that… Hat!

I was blushing heavily and was quite embarrassed too with two teenage girls gaping at nakedness! I automatically turned away from them and started rubbing my body dry with the towel.

Natasha: Bhabie… aap to sharma gayi! H he he…

Me: Just get dry and get out of here.

My tone was naturally cold as I was not much amused by this young girl’s words.

Sudha: Yes didi, bhabie is right! Guru-ji is waiting for us!

Within a couple of minutes I got completely dry and was about to wear the Pavitra Vastra that Sanjeev had provided. As I unpacked the brown paper packet, I found my undies first and then got my petticoat and blouse, but…. But where was the sari!

Me: Hey! Did you get the sari in the packet?

Natasha: No Bhabie… only the inners are there and… and a petticoat and a blouse.

Me: O! I see.

Sudha: Same for mine too.

We all dressed up quickly in our all white attires - white bra, white panty, white blouse, and white petticoat - probably signifying the true “pavitrata”! Having completed our dressing we stepped out of the washroom.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Come down here… we will do a prayer and finish this parikshan.

The prayer was a very short one and we offered flowers to Linga Maharaj and concluded by echoing “Jai Linga Mahraj” in chorus. After that Guru-ji took the central seat in the room and Sanjeev and Uday stood on his two sides while we three stood in front of him.

Guru-ji: Anita, do you know why Natasha and Sudha are actually here?

I was naturally a bit surprised by this question but replied normally.

Me: For the diksha I guess Guru-ji….

Guru-ji: No my child. Diksha of course is a reason, but there is a much bigger concern.

Naturally I was a bit taken aback as I did not find any abnormality in these young chicks. As I gave a suspected stare towards the two girls, they seemed quite normal. I did not find any “concern” at least on their faces. I looked questionably at Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Yes Anita, they have a rare deformity in their body.

Me: O! I see.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, Uday… I have called you two especially because your have certainly not encountered this sort of a problem and I want you two to be aware of this rare crisis in any visitor or devotee to the ashram.

Uday, Sanjeev: Ji Guru-ji.

Listening to this, I was naturally getting immensely curious to know what exactly Guru-ji was referring to.

Guru-ji: I must admit that I myself is also quite pleased to get to a solution to this atypical problem. For the benefit of Sanjeev and Unday I will elaborate the prelude a bit before getting into the actual details of the solution process for this condition.

Sanjeev: Yes that will indeed be helpful Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: To start with let me give you the name of this deformity - inverted nipple.

Sanjeev: What nipple Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Inverted. In simple terms, inverted nipples simply mean that the nipples of a woman are invaginating into her areola instead of protruding out.

Uday: How very strange Guru-ji! I have never heard of anything like that before! Does it really happen?

Guru-ji: Yes I agree my child that it is a rather rare occurrence, but surely does happen. It might just look like breasts without nipples.

I also could not restrain my astonishment.

Me: Breasts without nip…!!! I mean… err… How can that be… ??!!!??

Guru-ji: No, no, I just mentioned that for understanding purpose… a woman having this condition appears as if her nipples are missing from her breasts… actually they are enclosed within her areolas… you get me now Anita?

Me: O… okay Guru-ji.

Though I nodded, but could hardly believe it!

Guru-ji: Natasha and Sudha are victims of this deformity.

I was quite shocked to learn about that and felt especially for Natasha who looked so vibrant and graceful with a stunning figure!

Guru-ji: But having said that I must add that this is indeed curable. Yes, curable! So, my child… (turning towards Natasha and Sudha) …no need to feel inferior in any way… cheer up!

The two sisters giggled and it seemed the silent laugh was quite painful for them, which was natural also considering the problem and the embarrassment attached with it.

Uday: Guru-ji, were you aware of this abnormality prior? I mean… did you have an in-depth knowledge of it? It seems such a rare thing to me!

Guru-ji: Good question Uday… yes, though I was aware of this peculiar condition, but I had not worked upon its solution, neither had I a case to work upon actually. Since you asked about it, let me share my experience in detail for a better understanding. And I will be enough frank about the details so that can visualize the problem.

Sanjeev: Thanks Guru-ji… that will help us in future about how to go about this problem.

Guru-ji: Right you are… (Guru-ji closed his eyes for a while) … as far as I remember it was during my early ashram days when my Gurudev first mentioned to me about this peculiar condition. Initially my reaction was also pretty much similar to Uday, but when my Gurudev briefed me about the condition I understood the gravity of the problem. He told me that surgical intervention was one option, but he wanted me to work upon some natural conventional way to get a remedy.

Uday: Were you able to…

Guru-ji: Yes Uday… but it was indeed difficult… I had to study a lot before finalizing a remedy… that’s a long story…

Sanjeev: Please Guru-ji… tell us in brief… how you…

Guru-ji: Yes… am coming to it… Actually when I inquired my Gurudev that who was the victim of that syndrome he was silent for a while. I was naturally curious.. when I repeated my question… he looked rather sad and replied “Your Guru-mata”.

Uday & Sanjeev: Oh no! His wife!

Guru-ji: Yes… that was indeed very shocking to me as well. Gurudev admitted that he was unable to devote any time from his very busy schedule, which was intensely focussed on ‘tantra’ and achieving some very important goals in his path of salvation… hence he wanted me to take this up and develop a remedial treatment for Gurumata, which would not necessitate surgical intervention.

Uday: And which could be used in curing other females with similar problem.

Guru-ji: Exactly so Uday…

Sanjeev: But Guru-ji… I mean… err… was this decision of your Gurudev’s not just a bit too late for…?

Guru-ji: Absolutely Sanjeev… in fact I asked the same question to Gurudev… and he did inform me that my senior Guru-bhai, Adrijavardhan, whom he previously bestowed this job, was unable to develop a remedial…

Sanjeev: I see… so your Gurudev conferred you with this job.

Guru-ji: Yes. Though Gurudev shared to me that this shortcoming was never a hindrance in their marital life, but he felt Gurumata somewhere down the line must be sad within herself that she did not possess that womanly virtue.

Sanjeev: Very true. (turning towards me) What do you say Madam?

Me: Umm… err… yes, must be.

Guru-ji: Yes Anita, but I never could understand that she suffered so much mentally.

Me: She must have been I mean… err… very strong Guru-ji mentally…

Guru-ji: Indeed she was! But you must remember Anita… their conjugal life should not be compared with the common man’s…. Gurudev and Guru-mata both were dedicated to Linga Maharaj and devoted in building the infrastructure of the ashram which you see it today.

Me: I see…

Guru-ji: But just think of my condition! As I was still a learner in the ashram and Guru-mata was like… you know… she was respected to the highest level in the ashram… naturally… as she was Gurudev’s wife! I was just wondering how I could even ask her about this sort of a personal problem.

Sanjeev & Uday: Very true Guru-ji! What did you do then?

Guru-ji: You know… there was nothing much to do… I could not start at all… after fighting with my mind for a couple of days… I just surrendered to Gurudev that… that it was quite an impossible task for me to talk to Guru-mata regarding this issue.

Uday: Then?

Guru-ji: Gurudev acknowledged my hesitation and asked me to meet him that night at midnight in his hut.

Sanjeev: Midnight… sounds really remarkable! Then what happened Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Just like you I was also a bit surprised about midnight. In fact I was in a sort of dilemma regarding why Gurudev called me at that hour because that’s his meditation time. Anyway, I went to his hut in nervous steps and Gurudev divulged me a funny fact. Endorsing my hesitation to discuss with Guru-mata about the problem and since naturally it called for a breast examination, he chose that time of the night to be the fittest as Guru-mata always had a very deep and sound sleep and did not get awakened unless something very, very severe happened.

Uday & Sanjeev: Ohhhh! I see… Ha ha ha….

Myself, Natasha, and Sudha were also smiling listening to this.

Guru-ji (smiling and glancing towards all of us): Hence it was probably the safest period that way to investigate the condition. But naturally I was rather nervous, being young and immature at that point of time… as you can well understand… but Gurudev assured me and briefed me again about the condition, this time in full detail. He told me that he has tried simple means of nipple stimulation like rubbing and gentle sucking and trying to pull the nipples out with fingers, but failed. Gurudev related that even in extreme stimulated condition hardly the nipples come up to the skin surface. He instructed me to only study Guru-mata’s nipples that day and understand the physiological deformity first.

Sanjeev: Okay for the firsthand impression I guess…

Guru-ji: Exactly Sanjeev… Gurudev then went to the other room for meditation purpose but guaranteed me that Guru-mata won’t wake up due to mild movement in her breast area.

Uday (smiling): Guru-ji… must say… a very dicey situation!

Guru-ji: Dicey is a much polite term my boy… it was an utter dubious and hazardous position that Gurudev placed me in…. just imagine if Guru-mata opened her eyes and found me by her side on bed!

Sanjeev: Perilous! Simply perilous!

Guru-ji: But concurrently I could also comprehend that if Gurudev had vested his assurance on me and had chosen that part of the night for this job, it had to be precise. Thus I prepared my mind likewise.

Guru-ji paused for a while and glanced towards all, especially at us, the three girl-members in the room – myself, Natasha, and Sudha. Obviously we all were feeling quite cumbersome due to the situational awkwardness in the narrative.

Guru-ji: As Gurudev moved to the other room, he switched on a bright lamp so that I could inspect in a better way. I was alone in the room now and noted that Guru-mata was sleeping deeply on the cot.

Uday: It must have been a very uncomfortable state for you Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: Naturally… I felt like intruding into her privacy… I was very, very uncomfortable! Guru-mata was 40+ and I had never seen Guru-mata like that before… fast asleep in her nightdress… But… but I had to start my inspection as that my Gurudev‘s order.

I gave full credit in my mind to Guru-ji for creating such suspense in his account and all of us were quite anxious to know more of the proceeding. As I glanced at Natasha and Sudha, I noted both sisters had their lips slightly parted with their full attention towards Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Previously the room was dimly lit, but now when Gurudev switched on the bulb I was a bit taken aback to note Guru-mata clad in a somewhat scanty nightwear comprising of blouse and a ghagra. Since it was summertime there was all the more reason for her to be in less clothing, but the ghagra that she was wearing was sensationally short and was not even covering her thighs fully. It was sort of a mini-ghagra which young girls would wear, but I thought Guru-mata must have been wearing that to beat the heat while sleeping.

Sanjeev: Oops! Quite an awkward situation for you Guru-ji! What do you say Madam?

Sanjeev smiled very meaningfully at me as if I was lying in bed wearing a mini-ghagra and he was sitting by side luring at my naked well formed things.

Me: Yes… err… a complete all thumbs situation!

Guru-ji: Yes Anita… and… I hope you two are not bored out by this account? (indicating to Natasha and Sudha)

Natasha: Err… No, no… you are kind enough Guru-ji to detail the history… related to… err… our own problem.

Guru-ji: Yes, well said Natasha! Though it might not directly help or relate you, but for the sake of Uday and Sanjeev please pay attention to know the entire chronicle of this syndrome and its nonsurgical remedy which I developed.

Natasha & Sudha: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Let me again get back to that night…. (Guru-ji paused and started his mesmerizing story telling version) Though feeling quite tongue-tied, I proceeded very cautiously… I slowly opened the hooks of Guru-mata’s blouse…. (Guru-ji looked into my eyes and I had to lower my eyes in natural feminine shame)… I had no option but to proceed as it was my Gurudev’s directive…

Uday: But… Guru-ji… did your Guru-mata really not feel anything… I mean she was sleeping so sound?

Guru-ji: I was also pretty much amazed to note that Uday! I think that’s n why Gurudev was so confident probably! (smile again)

Guru-ji looked at me again and I smiled back foolishly not knowing exactly how to react. I was naturally breathing a bit faster now as the story unfolded and my twin dense globes were going up and down speedily inside my wet blouse.

Sanjeev: Still Guru-ji… I mean… you must have been extremely nervous…

Guru-ji: Not really, but yes, unquestionably a shade edgy… only because she was my Guru-mata… had it been any other woman even that feeling would not have crept…

Sanjeev: Then what happened Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Fortunately Guru-mata was not wearing anything underneath and as I glanced at her breasts, I was virtually traumatized!

Uday and Sanjeev were frowning deeply at Guru-ji. Honestly I was also quite eager to know more. Guru-ji was giving an unnecessary pause making us all impatient.

Uday: What did you notice Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Well… you know Guru-mata was an average built woman, slightly on the plumper side, but I was just… I mean… stunned to note that her brownish nipples were completely inverted! Believe me Uday…. if I had not seen that I would not have believed it! I could only locate her big round brown areolas as I tried to examine her nipples… the nipples were completely inverted inside her boob flesh! I tried to touch her nipples and tap them so that they poke out, but was unable to do it. The nipples were deep seated and not getting erect at all!

Uday: Did you not see even the natural reaction Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Very good point Uday…. Generaly when you touch a woman in her breast area, almost routinely there is a stir in her legs… but I did not notice that, which was the most amazing part! I positioned myself closer to Guru-mata and tried to push my thumb in the middle of her areola to push out the nipple, but my effort did not result in any positive response!

Sanjeev: Sounds so weird!

Guru-ji: Very much so! What I found after close examination that the adhesion of her nipple on the areola was so rigid that it was actually not allowing the nipples to grow normally due to any stimulation.

Sanjeev: Any other mode of stimulation might have worked… I mean did you try that Guru-ji?
Guru-ji: Precise path of thinking Sanjeev… (Guru-ji nodded his ahead in appreciation) I also thought of a different mode of stimulation, but obviously had to be extremely careful such that I did not wake Guru-mata up. With soft hands I slowly started cupping her naked breasts and was watching her nipple areas intently to look for any movement.

Sanjeev: Was there any?

Guru-ji: (Guru-ji twisted his lips) Unfortunately no! Then I thought of some secondary stimulation for her breasts and tried tracing her thick soft lips… but it did not yield any response too. I tried some more squeezes with my whole palm cupping her entire boob flesh gently…

Uday: No positive outcome?

Guru-ji: Nope! The nipples did not show up at all. I attempted some more times to stir her nipples up by poking my thumb and middle finger inside her naked boob flesh, but afforded no positive outcome, but as I noticed Guru-mata shuffling very marginally in her sleep due to my actions, I did not spend any more time there and went back to Gurudev to share my observation.

Sanjeev: What was your observation Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: What I concluded was the adhesions of Guru-mata’s nipples to her areolas were too rigid to respond to external stimulation and hence a force needs to be exerted to loosen those adhesions. A surgery could have been an easy shortcut, but Gurudev wanted me to do it through conservative methods. I requested Gurudev for a couple of more sittings to understand and analyze this limitation better.

Sanjeev: What was your Gurudev’s opinion Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: He had complete trust on me and agreed to my proposal. I repeated my observation for two more nights… I went to Guru-mata’s bedroom at midnight, she used to be in very deep sleep, switch on the light, and then examine her deformed nipples… Thank god! Her sleep was sound enough and she did not get a hint that I was opening her blouse each night and checking her mammaries while she was asleep.

Uday: Did you try any more stimulating actions?

Guru-ji: Yes… I tried the most common stimulating process by caressing her thighs and since Guru-mata used to wear a short ghagra-type dress due to the summer heat while asleep it was easier for me also. I tried pressing and cuddling her naked thighs outside the hem of her mini-ghagra, but that also did not have any effect on her nipples! But one good thing I observed…

Sanjeev: What Guru-ji?
Guru-ji: Guru-mata mildly shuffled in her sleep each time I touched her thighs, which means she was getting stimulated but unfortunately that did not echo in her nipples.

Sanjeev: May be Guru-ji… as she was fast asleep…

Guru-ji: Right you are Sanjeev! I also forwarded that point to my Gurudev that when a woman is so fast asleep that she cannot recognize her blouse being opened and mammaries touched one should deduce that she is not stimulated. Arousal of course was a key issue for Guru-mata’s peculiar deformity.

Uday: What did your Gurudev say Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Yes, he also appreciated my point realized that in order to design a device which would suck out the nipples from the boob flesh was only possible after seeing the effect of stimulation on Guru-mata while she is fully conscious. Are you getting the logic flow Uday?

Uday: Yes… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev?

Sanjeev: Yes Guru-ji… but in order to see that… err.. I mean….

Guru-ji: Yes you hit the bull’s eye Sanjeev! How would I do that? She was my Guru-mata afterall and the base of our relationship was pure respect and nothing else.

Sanjeev: Very much understandable Guru-ji.

Uday: What did you do then Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Here also Gurudev showed me the way! He said it was apparently impossible for me to directly approach Guru-mata for a checkup for her problem… her reserved and shy nature would never allow that. Gurudev said when the normal path for any crisis appears closed or impossible, one must create the state of affairs in such a way so that the desired goal is reached!

Uday & Sanjeev: Very valuable idea Guru-ji!

Guru-ji: Yes, I have learnt everything from my Gurudev and whenever I get a chance I share and pass on the thoughts… as I am doing right now!

Uday: Thanks Guru-ji!

Sanjeev: What did your Gurudev exactly suggest you Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Yes am coming to that. Gurudev always spoke straightforward and regarding his wife also he was not hesitant because his goal was to get a remedy. He broke an idea which would actually look the embarrassment part secondary, but would easily aid me to get a complete look into the deformity.

Sanjeev (seemed quite impatient): What was the prized idea Guru-ji?

Honestly I was also quite keen to know that and so were Natasha and Sudha. We all were looking impatiently at Guru-ji, but the Godman was as usual calm and composed.

Guru-ji: (smiled a bit) Gurudev said that Guru-mata was very keen to visit Prayag to take a dip there and this would actually solve the problem!

Sanjeev & Uday: Prayag!

Myself and Natasha-Sudha were also looking at Guru-ji with some disbelief.

Sanjeev: What has the dip at Prayag to do with this? Guru-ji, you must be kidding with us!

Guru-ji: Anita, you also think that way?

Me: Ye…err…. I mean… am also puzzled Guru-ji… I mean a dip at Prayag and the deformity she had… I mean…

Guru-ji: Hmm… true. Apparently no relation, but there was indeed a relation. Gurudev slowly broke the whole idea… Gurudev said to me that he would relate to Guru-mata that in order to take a dip at Prayag its better to know swimming as the dip takes place at the confluence of three rivers in mid waters where the water current is significant. And it was a consequence that Guru-mata was always keen to learn swimming but that opportunity never came.

Uday: I see… now I can read it! Right Guru-ji…. Right!

Guru-ji: Gurudev told that he would ask Guru-mata to learn swimming in a week before she goes to Prayag with him.

Guru-ji paused, noted our reactions, and continued.

Guru-ji: Gurudev told that Guru-mata would very gladly accept his proposal and would be very keen to learn swimming quickly before she goes for the punya-snan.

Sanjeev was still frowning and in fact I was not very confident also about the exact plan of Guru-ji’s Gurudev.

Guru-ji: I can read your mind Sanjeev… In truth I was also somewhat confused like you, but when Gurudev explained that this would give me the best opportunity to explore and observe I had to accept it.

Sanjeev: But… I mean how Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: See… what was my prime goal? To arouse Guru-mata and see how her inverted nipples were reacting, but since she was an elderly lady and I shared a very respectful relation with her, I could not approach her in the normal way…. but this circumstance would give me ample opportunity to touch her without embarrassing her, which was very important. Isn’t it? Alongside while taking swimming lessons Guru-mata would get wet which undoubtedly would add to the stimulus that I intend to pass on. Getting me? And last but not the least was the water factor, which could act as a catalyst in releasing her nipple adhesions!

Sanjeev: Uff! Mind-blowing analysis Guru-ji! Mindblowing!

Uday: Yes Guru-ji! The thinking level is just too much… so refined!

Guru-ji: (smiling) Yes… credit goes to my Gurudev of course! I have learnt so much from him! Ahh! The great man! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Sanjeev: Then what happened Guru-ji? I simply can’t wait to know the end…
Guru-ji: You have to be patient my son… as I always say… patience is the key to many problems! (smiled widely) That very night Guru-mata came to my hut… actually during those ashram days it was a custom for Guru-mata to visit all of Gurudev’s disciples and provide them each with a glass of milk, which we consumed and sat for a tantra meditation session before going to bed. As I took the glass of milk from her I was bit anxious as I was not aware that whether Gurudev had told her or not and… and how she reacted to the proposal.

Uday: Uff! A very tricky situation Guru-ji indeed!

Guru-ji: Absolutely! But when she told me that she wanted to visit Prayag shortly with Gurudev and before going there she wanted to learn swimming from me - I could realize things were falling in place.

Guru-ji glanced at all of us once before narrating further and we obviously were quite glued to his yarn. Myself, Natasha and Sudha had as if completely forgotten of our semi nudity and the way we were exposing in wet clothes, but were only keen to know how the narrative unfolds!

Guru-ji: I readily accepted Guru-mata’s request and assured that we would begin from tomorrow as the time span was short.

Guru-ji probably realized my condition. Thank God!
Guru-ji: Okay, okay. Now go to your room Anita. I need to brief Meenakshi and Sanjeev regarding my evening visit.

I was more than relieved to get out of that room. I returned to my room with red ears and heavy breathing. It seemed as if Guru-ji and Sanjeev’s little chat was still ringing in my ears. I felt so very humiliated. I rested for a while sitting on my bed and then went for a nap, but several things were clubbing into my mind, especially the mahayagya topic. Guru-ji told that it was a yagya, which would extend to two days and through it my vaginal block and discharge issues would be solved.

But how? What would I have to do for two days? Why did he say it would be ‘strenuous’? There was no answer available with me! The additional trouble issue in my mind was ‘Mama-ji’, as he said he would come again. To tell the truth, I was unable to form an opinion regarding Mama-ji. I certainly felt his fingers not acting the normal way on my youthful body. Mama-ji never behaved like this before though there was very little chance of me and him getting along ‘alone’.

Still I was not convinced to consider such things about this 50+ man. Thinking on all these lines, I did not know when I went into a deep slumber.

“Knock! Knock!”
“Madam! Madam! Please get up”.
I quickly alighted off the bed to this call and was about to approach the door, but noticed that I was not wearing my sari. Actually before I went to bed I opened it to be comfortable on bed. I stopped and quickly wrapped the sari around my upper part of the body and opened the door. I could recognize the voice. It was Nirmal. But why is he shouting?

Me: What has happened?
Nirmal: Madam, Guru-ji is calling you urgent.
Me: Why? Anything serious?
Nirmal: I am not sure, but he asked me to call you.
Me: Okay. I am coming right now, you can go and tell that Guru-ji.

I noticed Nirmal’s eyes fully grazing my petticoat covered lower half of the body, as I was holding my sari with both hands over my breast and abdomen. Nirmal went off and I closed the door and went to toilet to urinate, as I was feeling the pressure, and then wore the sari properly, and combed my hair and went towards Guru-ji’s room again. What could have happened? I was wondering, but not getting a clue.

Me: Guru-ji, were you calling me?
Guru-ji: Yes, yes Anita. I am in a bit of trouble and I need you help.
I was feeling rather uneasy that a man of Guru’s stature is asking for help from me.
Me: Please do not say it like that Guru-ji. Anything for you.
Guru-ji: Anita, as you know, I was scheduled to make a visit to Mr. Yadav’s residence and Sanjeev and Meenakshi were supposed to accompany me, but from the noontime Meenakshi has been running a temperature and now the fever is quite high.
Me: Oh! Really?
Guru-ji: Yes. I have given her medicines, but unfortunately she is not in a state to accompany me. But I need at least one female to act as the medium for Mr. Yadav in the yagya. So, I mean…
Me: Yes Guru-ji?
It was very evident that Guru-ji was hesitating.
Guru-ji: I mean if you could go along with me.
Me: No problems Guru-ji. Why are you so hesitating Guru-ji? It will be my pleasure if I can be of any assistance to you.
Guru-ji: Thanks Anita. But we will have to stay there tonight, as it would late in the night to complete the yagya.
Me: Okay Guru-ji.
Sanjeev now added.
Sanjeev: Madam, Mr. Yadav’s apartment is very spacious with lots of rooms and generally we stay in the guest rooms, which are very cozy. You wont have any problem.
Me: I see. Then when do you plan to start Guru-ji?
Guru-ji: Now its 5:30. We will start at 7 o’clock. Anita, you do one thing, go to Meenakshi’s room and get a brief idea about how a yagya is arranged, as you will have to help me to set that up at Mr. Yadav’s place.
Me: Right Guru-ji.
I went off from there to Meenakshi’s room. The room was dimly lit and Meenakshi was lying in bed and someone was sitting near his head and applying a balm on her forehead. The illumination was not enough to make out clearly who it was.

Me: How are you now Meenakshi?
Meenakshi: The fever is still there in spite of Guru-ji’s medicines.
As I came near the bed, I saw Rajkamal sitting near her head. I touched her neck and cheeks and they were very warm and surely her temperature was well above 100 degrees.
Me: Hmm. It’s quite high still.
Rajkamal: Its 102 degrees Madam. I checked it minutes prior.
Meenakshi: Madam, did Guru-ji tell you to go to town with him?
Me: Yes. He told me just now.
Meenakshi: Sorry Madam for this trouble, but I am really helpless.
Me: Its absolutely okay. You just take rest.

When I entered from outside in the room, my eyes took some time to adjust. Now I noticed that Meenakshi was lying on the bed in a very tempting way considering a male is present in the room. I was shocked to see that her pallu had so much shifted off her big round boobs that half of her treasures were clearly visible above her blouse and Rajkamal being seated near her head was getting a majestic view. As I looked more intently, as if a shock wave went passed my spine, as I noticed Meenakshi was lying on bed on doubt, but her head was on not on the pillow, but on Rajkamal’s lap! He was applying balm to her forehead and the way Meenakshi was breathing I smelt a rat.

Meenakshi: Madam, I have been to Mr. Yadav’s place prior also, you won’t have any problem there.
Me: Okay. But what will I have to do in regards to the yagya?
Meenakshi: Madam, there is nothing much to do, but to arrange the yagya materials like the logs, oil, other list of yagya items, flowers, utensils etc., which Sanjeev will guide you and its more or less like the puja you perform at home.

I was much relieved hearing that, as I definitely was a little anxious.
Me: Guru-ji was saying something about ‘medium.’ What is that?
Meenakshi: Madam, in simple words, its like during the yagya a common man needs a medium through which he or she can attain the goods of the yagya and Guru-ji says to get best effects the genders should be different.
Me: ‘Different’ meaning?
Meenakshi: A male should have a female medium and vice versa Madam.
Me: Okay, okay, I got it.
Meenakshi smiled very meaningfully as I said that and I could not comprehend the significance of that smile.
Meenakshi: I am feeling thirsty.
Rajkamal: One sec…

Meenakshi slightly raised her head and Rajkamal got his lap out and alighted from bed and brought a glass of water. Meenakshi tried to get up, but Rajkamal forced her to stay back in her position and helped her to drink water from the glass. As Meenakshi drank, some water dripped down her chin onto her upper chest and Rajkamal openly touched her upper breast area to wipe it. I tried to take it in the normal spirits, but what he did next did not allow me to get convinced. Rajkamal kept the glass on the adjoining table and got back to his original position and Meenakshi also readily lifted her head to his lap.

Rajkamal: Did water spill to your blouse?
Meenakshi: I don’t know. My body temperature is so high that I cannot feel that.
Rajkamal: Okay I will check, you relax.
Meenakshi: Madam, its better to take one set of clothing with you, as you will have to take a bath after the yagya.
Me: Yes, I also have thought so.

While we conversed, I noticed in the pretext of checking whether water had spilled onto Meenakshi’s blouse, Rajkamal was virtually feeling every part of Meenakshi’s heaving globes. And most surprisingly Meenakshi was so casual about that and did not even bother to cover her breasts with her pallu. My heart almost stopped when I saw he was touching her cleavage, which was exposed over her blouse, with his fingers to see if it was wet!

Rajkamal: Madam, can you get me a cloth from the cupboard?
I was a bit surprised at Rajkamal’s words. Why does he need a cloth?
Me: What for?
Rajkamal: Actually her blouse is wet at parts and I just want to put a cloth inside so that she does not catch a cold over her fever.

He wants to insert a cloth in the blouse of this fully matured 35-year-old plump woman lying on his lap! I got off and got the cloth and tried to save Meenakshi from feeling embarrassed.
Me: Let me put it. Which part is wet Rajkamal?
Meenakshi: Madam, you please do not get worried. Rajkamal will do it.
I was spellbound by this lady’s attitude. She wants to have a male hand inside her blouse! I had no other option but to hand the piece of cloth to Rajkamal.
Rajkamal: Thanks Madam.
He now shamelessly pulled and lifted Meenakshi’s blouse from the front off her skin and inserted the cloth onto the top of her boobs. I could clearly see this lady’s very attractive sized tits going up and down within her bra. Rajkamal inserted his fingers along with the cloth on her boobs within her blouse and planted the cloth there. I am sure he got enough opportunity to feel and cup her matured boobs while offering this ‘help.’

Then Rajkamal was back with his fundamental job of massaging and I thought there was no point sitting here and watching these shameless acts any more.
Me: Okay Meenakshi, take rest. I will go now.
Meenakshi: Okay Madam.
Rajkamal: Bye Madam.

I went back to my room and started preparing to go to this disabled man, Mr. Yadav’s house with Guru-ji. I went to the toilet once and used the conveniences to be absolutely fresh. Since I had a tight sleep, I thought it would not be a problem for me to keep awake till late night if the yagya takes longer period of time to complete. I took a spare sari, blouse, and petticoat in a bag along with a set of bra and panty. Around 6:30 p.m., Nirmal came to give a reminder to get ready, but I was ready by that time. I locked my room and went with him to Guru-ji’s room.

Guru-ji was also ready and Sanjeev and Uday were arranging the yagya materials in one place. Within another 15 minutes off we went from the ashram in a car, which Mr. Yadav had sent. There was not much conversation in the way except Guru-ji and Sanjeev telling me not to be anxious, as they would guide me what exactly to do. We reached within an hour to Mr. Yadav’s house. It was already dark as the clock said it was nearly 8. The house was a two-storied building and we went straight upstairs and Mrs. Yadav greeted Guru-ji very warmly.

I noticed Mrs. Yadav was a matured lady, probably nearing 40, who had a proportionate figure for her age though slightly on the plump side. She took us to the drawing room where Mr. Yadav was sitting on the sofa. He was also an elderly man, 50+ surely, with specs and a thick beard on his face. He was wearing a white kurta and pajama and his left leg was strapped in a wooden cast. He was holding to a walking stick and was clearly handicapped I noticed, as when he tried to stand up, Mrs. Yadav had to support him.

Mr. Yadav also greeted Guru-ji with a warm welcome, but I could not find the girl for which Guru-ji had come to perform the yagya. Guru-ji was addressing Mrs. Yadav as Nandini and Mr. Yadav as Kumar. After the initial chat, Guru-ji introduced me to both Mr. and Mrs. Yadav and explained that Meenakshi was ill and could not come. Guru-ji: Nandini, where is Shilpa? I am not seeing her.

Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, she is taking a bath, as I told her she needs to attain the yagya.
Guru-ji: Fine.
Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji we both are very concerned about her studies. You know that she failed last year and this year
Guru-ji interrupted Mrs. Yadav.
Guru-ji: Nandini, have faith on Linga Maharaj. The yagya will take care of your child. Don’t worry.

All along Mrs. Yadav was standing by her husband and it seemed to me he takes a lot of care for her husband. Just then a nice-looking, jolly girl entered the room. I could realize this was Shilpa. She looked quite matured for a class XII girl I noticed, both inn her face and physically also. She was wearing a green top and a black long skirt and with her hair tied up high and a smile on her face, she looked pretty attractive. Everybody’s focus was on her now, obviously.

Shilpa: Pranam Guru-ji.
Shilpa came forward and bent to take ashirwad from Guru-ji. I noticed that her boobs jiggled under her top, as she approached the center of the room towards Guru-ji. She must be wearing a loose bra I thought, which we females do wear sometimes at home. I noticed Sanjeev’s eyes were already fixed on this girl’s very youthful waggling breasts.
Guru-ji: Shilpa Beta, what’s happening to your studies?
Shilpa: Guru-ji, I am trying my best, but somehow I am unable to produce what I am learning at home.
Guru-ji: Hmm. Concentration problem. Don’t worry Beti, now that I have come, I will take care.
Shilpa: Guru-ji, I am very anxious. My marks have been very low.
Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, the yagya will make your mind blossom fully and you will have no problems in concentration there on.
Shilpa along with her parents seemed very pleased with Guru-ji’s words. I could realize all this time while Guru-ji and Shilpa conversed, Mr. Yadav was giving me stares through his specs. Mrs. Yadav was still standing very close to him. Initially I didn’t notice that, but now I am quite sure that he was eyeing me. Out of natural womanly virtue, I adjusted my sari over my boobs and hips though it was perfectly all right. I looked at Mrs. Yadav if she is noticing her husband, but she seemed too engrossed with Guru-ji’s words.

Guru-ji: Okay then, Nandini lets move to the ‘puja ghar’.

Guru-ji and Sanjeev followed Mrs. Yadav and I had to trail them and was rather happy to get out of Mr. Yadav’s eyesight. The ‘puja ghar’ seemed at the end of first floor, but I saw there were steps going above. Mrs. Yadav was climbing the steps first followed by Guru-ji, then me, and last was Sanjeev. As I looked up, my eyes automatically focussed on Mrs. Yadav’s huge undulating gaand, as she climbed the steps. Probably a blind man also would not miss that. Mrs. Yadav, though looked nearing 40 age wise, I noticed her bottoms looked quite tight and firm as they swayed behind her sari. Guru-ji was just behind her and his face was nearly touching her swinging gaand as he followed her.

Alarm bells immediately rang in my ears, as I realized my moving ass would also be a feast for Sanjeev’s eyes, as he was just behind me climbing the steps. I had no way to bypass the situation and had to climb the stairs just in front of him. It must have been a grand view for Sanjeev, as by any means my bottom-line was pretty attractive for a woman of 28. Thankfully there were only a handful of steps and we were there at the ‘puja ghar’, which was located at one-and-half floor.

Guru-ji: Nandini, I notice you are panting. But you only climbed a small number of steps?
Mrs. Yadav: Ji Guru-ji, I have developed this problem recently.
Guru-ji: Sanjeev, check her pulse once.
Sanjeev: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji and I walked past them into the puja-ghar, but as I glanced back I saw Sanjeev standing to Mrs. Yadav alarmingly close, which sparked a curiosity in my mind. The puja-ghar was a rather small room with images of gods and goddesses. Guru-ji was busy to unload the yagya items and asked me separate the flowers and garlands, but I was rather interested to see what Sanjeev was doing. So I shifted my position such that I was quite close to the door.

Mrs. Yadav: I do not believe in these allopathy medicines Sanjeev. Dr. had given me some, but am not taking.
Sanjeev: But Nandini Madam, your problem will aggravate if you do not take the pills.
Mrs. Yadav: What more aggravation of problems are you talking about Sanjeev? You know Kumar. He is a drunkard. Moreover, he is now handicapped for the past 5 years. Shilpa failed last year. Sanjeev, which way should I go?

I could not see them directly, but could hear them clearly and was getting an unknown thrill overhearing them like this. I could clearly sense that Sanjeev has a good relation with Mrs. Yadav, as she was quite frank to him.

Sanjeev: But Nandini Madam, you cannot change your destiny. Still I tried to do my best within my limited capacity.

Now I shifted my position more towards the door. I looked from the corner of my eyes at Guru-ji and saw he was quite occupied in arranging for the yagya. The pathway to the puja-ghar was adequately lit up and hence I could clearly see Mrs. Yadav and Sanjeev. I noticed there was certainly a changed behavioral pattern in Mrs. Yadav - in front of his husband and now in his absence. Sanjeev to my utter shock was almost hugging Mrs. Yadav!

I could not believe my eyes and my eyes almost popped out seeing this scene. Sanjeev’s one hand was roaming around Mrs. Yadav’s waist and buttocks and she was also leaning on to Sanjeev in a way, which was very indicative. I noticed she stood as if with a broken waist and her buttocks were looking very provocative, protruding outside, and boobs were thrusting forward towards Sanjeev. As a woman I could readily understand Mrs. Yadav’s intention seeing her pose.

Mrs. Yadav: I do not blame you Sanjeev, it’s my destiny. I have been suffering for 5 years.

Sanjeev remained silent. I could well understand that there was a relation among them, most likely physical, because no married woman would allow another male to touch her the way Sanjeev was holding her. With a handicapped husband, I could clearly see the missing desired sex life in Mrs. Yadav. I could clearly see that Sanjeev’s right hand was now very evidently feeling Mrs. Yadav’s flesh of her wide ass cheeks over her sari and she was also inclining more and more towards Sanjeev. I couldn’t see Sanjeev’s left hand from my position. Was it on her boobs? I guess so because the way Mrs. Yadav is subtly moving her heavy ass in the standing position, it was very suggestive. I was deriving immense pleasure, I don’t know why, overseeing them in that compromising position.

Sanjeev: Nandini Madam lets go inside, otherwise Guru-ji might.
Mrs. Yadav: Yes, yes. Kumar can also silently come down the hallway here.
I realized they were parting and I pretended to be engaged in my work with flowers. Sanjeev came inside, followed by Mrs. Yadav.
Guru-ji: Sanjeev, did you find a faster pulse in Nandini?
Sanjeev: No Guru-ji, its normal.
Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, when shall I ask Shilpa to come here?
Guru-ji: I will need all three of you in the beginning. I will send Sanjeev to call you. Still it will at least take half an hour to arrange everything.
Mrs. Yadav: Okay Guru-ji.
Guru-ji: As you know, in the yagya, all should sit in clean white clothes.
Mrs. Yadav: Yes Guru-ji, I remember that.

Then within half-an-hour all was ready for the yagya. The fire was created at the center of the room with the image of Linga Maharaj just behind that. There were so many items neatly arranged by Guru-ji, me, and Sanjeev that I appreciated the arrangement in my mind. Sanjeev closed the door and Guru-ji started the yagya. It started at 9:00 p.m. With the fire flame, the scent of sandal incense sticks, and Guru-ji chanting mantras loudly the atmosphere within the room instantly changed. Guru-ji sat in front of the fire and Sanjeev to his left and myself
to his right. Sanjeev had already called the Yadav family.

Mr. Yadav was wearing the white kurta and pajama, as he was wearing earlier when I met him in the drawing room. As he came I noticed he was leaning on to his wife and trembling. What a change in Mrs. Yadav! She seemed to be so devoted to her husband now, as I saw her bringing him to the puja-ghar. She has changed her sari and was wearing a white cotton sari along with a white blouse, which was extremely transparent, I must quote. Anyone and everyone could clearly see the position of her white bra inside and her fair skin through the transparent material. Shilpa was wearing a nice tight-fitting embroidered white salwar suit and looked quite appealing, as she was not
using a chunri. They all sat opposite us in front of the fire.

Initial mantras and worship went on for around 20 minutes. I really had nothing much to do once the yagya started. The atmosphere in the room was getting stuffy with the smoke and the heat of the yagya fire, more so as the room was pretty small and there was no ventilation. I realized since I was sitting close to the fire, I was sweating and my armpits and lower back were already wet.

Guru-ji: Now, I will do the individual ritual for Shilpa. Each of the parents must participate in it. Though the main yagya will be involving Shilpa Beti alone, but this is also mandatory.
Mr. Yadav: Guru-ji, if you start with me it would be of help as…
Guru-ji: Yes Kumar, absolutely. I do not want to strain you unnecessarily. I will start with you and then release you. You can take rest.
Mr. Yadav: Thanks Guru-ji.
Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, please call me when you are done with Kumar.

As Guru-ji was all set to tell us about his encounter with his Guru-mata regarding this inverted nipple case, suddenly we heard a big “BOOOOOOOOOOOOM” – it was indeed a blast-like sound which made all of us tremble for a second. We all, including Guru-ji, were startled by the sound which came from outside and the lights in the room went off instantaneously. Everybody was naturally puzzled for some moments till Nirmal was the first one to react. He briskly ran out of the room to find out what happened. We all followed him with Guru-ji leading our way.

“Guru-ji! Guru-ji!” the cry was coming from the kitchen of the ashram and within a second Rajkamal appeared before us.

“Guru-ji… There’s a… there’s a ba… baa… blast from the gas cylinder and the… and the electric line has caught fire! Do something quickly!”

Guru-ji ordered us to go to Meenakshi’s room and stay there until things are under control and he ran towards the kitchen with Uday and Rajkamal. We all were shocked by the quick turning of events, but we had little to do and obeyed Guru-ji’s orders. I wondered if there was a fire how they would extinguish it as there was no chance to get a fire engine in this remote area. The wto sisters, Sudha and Natasha, and myself were pretty much anxious and restless as we sat in Meenakshi’s room though Meenakshi assured us not to worry and that Guru-ji would take things under control soon.

Fortunately our Nirmalta Parikshan was over and we were in the Pavitra Vastra as prescribed by Guru-ji. Hence there were no hiccups at least to the ashram process for all three of us. We remained shut in Meenakshi’s room for a significant period of time and at last then came to know that the fire was under control, but the kitchen was badly affected and so was the whole electric wiring of the ashram. Guru-ji declared that there will be suspension of all ashram activities for the next 48 hours and all his resident ashram disciples and devotees (except females) along with some villagers would work on an emergent basis to get things right again and to get to a normal working status.

Though the situation inside the ashram was very tense, I was honestly pretty happy to get a break. The concluding part of the Maha-yagya for me was rescheduled by Guru-ji at midnight two days later and the treatment for Natasha and Sudha’s nipple deformity was also rescheduled two days later at noontime. Guru-ji was very systematic in his approach and informed all our family members at home adequately about the emergency situation at the ashram and that we were all safe there and about the delay in treatment process for this accident. Myself and the two sisters were quite joyous and were about to plan to a quick trip to the riverside the next day, but Meenakshi certainly had other plans for me!

Meenakshi (suddenly pulling me to a corner away from Natasha and Sudha whispered in my ears): Madam, this is a great opportunity… its God gifted… I cannot allow it to go begging…I must grab it…

I was naturally taken aback as I could not comprehend what she was trying to convey.

Me: What opportunity Meenakshi?

Actually I had completely forgotten regarding the blackmail of Meenakshi and the promise I had made to her in helping her get out of that, more so in that hustle and bustle of the ashram fire incident. I frowned at Meenaski with an almost blank look.

Meenakshi: Madam…have you forgotten? You assured me that you will help me to get out from the clutches of that thug… you remember… he is blackmailing me… I told you.

I instantly remembered.

Me: Oh! Yes, yes! Right! No, no… I have not forgotten that. How can I? A word is a word for me… you helped me so much in passing through Guru-ji’s testing… how can I be so untruthful to you?

Meenakshi: Thank God Madam… I was a bit scared when you first reacted!

Me: Arre… I was so shocked by this sudden development of fire… your words completely went off my…

Meenakshi: Naturally Madam (she smiled). I can understand that.

Me: But what have you planed to get rid of that man… what was his name??… Umm… ya… right right! Mahesh… isn’t it?

Meenakshi: Right Madam. I have the full plan ready… I will not get relief till I pin that thug down… and I am sure I will succeed if you are a little cooperative Madam.

Me: Don’t worry Meenakshi… I will try my best to help you… but… err… first tell me the…

Meenakshi: Madam… let us first have bath and have some food quickly… I am coming to your room in 15-20 minutes Madam.. okay?

Me: That’s absolutely fine.

I went back to my room. The light was not there, but it was manageable. Thankfully the fire in the ashram did not spread to a great area and our part was mostly unaffected. I took a quick shower and there was a knock at the door and I heard Meenakshi’s voice. I did not take my dress with me in the toilet and planned to get dressed coming back in room; so when I heard Meenakshi knocking I just somehow wrapped the towel around my wet naked body and opened the door.

Meenakshi: Oh! You are not done yet Madam!

Me: Its okay… you come and sit naa… am finished with my bath…I will just dress up.

I closed the door behind us and asked Meenakshi to sit on the bed while I went for my clothes in my semi-naked state.

Meenakshi: Wow Madam! You are looking stunning in this attire!

I looked at her and she was smiling wickedly.

Me: Meenakshi… don’t be silly! You will also look equally dazzling if you just wrap a towel around your body. Isn’t it? (I smiled back)

Meenakshi: Kya Madam… kaha aap ki curves… aur kaha mere curves! Kaha raja bhoj… kaha gangu teli!

We both broke out in laughter as I quickly wore my bra and panty over my towel.

Me (hooking my blouse): Enough of flattering… huh!

Though I said “huh”, in fact I enjoyed Meenakshi’s admiring stares at my figure.

Meenakshi: Even after marriage… you appear so tight and attractive! As a female even I am fascinated!

Me (tying my petticoat): Will you stop? Uff! You are just incorrigible! Huh! Why don’t you look down at your assets? They are in no way less gorgeous?

Meenakshi (looking down at her mammaries and then dropping her sari pallu to expose her blouse covered milk tanks): I only have size Madam… it lacks the tightness and shapeliness that you exquisitely possess! (she was nodding her head negatively)

Me (starting to wrap my sari around my body): But my dear… size does matter…

Meenaskhi got up and came close to me and with her both hands pinched my cheeks and we both were laughing. In fact we were in each other’s arms; she almost hugged me and my firm breasts started pressing on her big round mammaries. She gently pinched my naked waist fold just above my petticoat and whispered in my ears “you are such a sexy bitch!”

We both were laughing and giggling when suddenly Meenakshi dropped her chin and looked depressed.

Me: Hey! What happened?

Meenakshi: Madam… though I was smiling… the undercurrent is always running within me… I feel so helpless at times… will I be able to fool that ruffian? He is a real bastard!

Me: You tell me first naa… what you have in your mind… then only….

We both sat on my cot and were serious now. Meenakshi had pulled up her sari pallu and had covered her macro-sized mammaries.

Meenakshi: Madam see…when this fire broke out… I instantly thought of utilizing these two days including half day of today to the fullest and hatched a plan.

Me: Seems fair enough… go ahead.

Meenakshi: Madam, my sole aim to snatch that video cassette and my photographs from Mahesh… in order to do that I simply need to get inside his house and steal those in his absence.

Me: I see.

Meenakshi: Now Madam, there are two hindrances; one I need the keys of his house to get inside.

Me (I was naturally quite keen as I was never involved in such a case especially realted to blackmailing): Right!

Meenakshi: And secondly… since I do not know where exactly he has kept the photos and the cassette … I need time to search for those in his house.

Me: Hmm… Sounds logical. (I nodded like an expert)

Meenakshi: And for this you are my only hope Madam….

She caught my hands and dropped her head and as I could see her eyelids getting moistened.

Me: Hey… Meenakshi… com’ on! I will help you out… I am there naa …. Don’t worry… all will be okay again!

Meenakshi looked up; a drop of tear rolled down her cheek.

Meenakshi (still holding onto my arms): You are my last hope Madam… this Mahesh… I will teach him a good lesson once I get those photos and video.

Me: Have you seen those photos?

Meenakshi: Yes of course! That son of a bitch did show me those filthy things!

Out of my natural curiosity, I could not stop asking Meenakshi more about her photos.

Meenakshi: Madam, I told you naa… that I halted with Mahesh in a small hotel room when we went to visit the fair… there actually he brought me a nighty and requested to wear that once. What should I say Madam… I was then just flowing in my emotions and without doubting him whatsoever I undressed in front of her. I was only clad in my inner wear as I wore the nighty and that bastard snapped me in my undies through his automatic camera. And as you can understand he had snapped quite a few intimate pics when he was hugging and kissing me in the room, trying to pull up my dress while hugging me, and his hands all over my body.

Me: And the video?

Meenakshi: It was the whole session on bed when he… (Meenakshi’s chin dropped and jaws tightened) when he fucked me… with my consent! What a big fool I had been!

Me: Ohh! You did not realize anything at all?

Meenakshi: How could I Madam? I never thought this could be done… and Mahesh would do this… was beyond my wildest imagination! It’s so… so shameful… I am fully naked almost throughout the clip …. Not even a thread on my whole body… I will simply hang that motherc**d once I get hold of…

I could realize the natural anger within Meenakshi about that man’s deceit and trickery, but as I tried to visualize the scene with this plump woman in naked condition and being filmed, I automatically felt a little stir within my panty! Simultaneously and naturally I got curious about how she was filmed by that automatic camera as she had stated!

Me: Meenakshi… I am… err… slightly inquisitive… I mean… you said it was a hotel room… and I assume you and Mahesh must have come to that room together? Then when did he plant the camera? I mean…

Meenakshi looked confused. She closed her eyes for a moment and probably tried to rewind the happenings of that day.

Me: Tell me… don’t conclude anything in your mind regarding that day… okay? Tell me did you… I mean… did you watch the video minutely?

Meenakshi frowned at me, her look was a mix of emptiness and astonishment, and she nodded gently.

Me: Do you remember… err… when you watched… did you see the whole bed throughout the clip…. Was there any close up shots of yourself? Think deep and tell me.

I was myself surprised at my logical thought level! Meenakshi was still frowning as she closed her eyes once again in order to think profoundly. A few seconds passed silently.

Meenakshi: Yes! Yes Madam! You are absolutely correct. Initially I saw myself with Mahesh on bed, but a little later when he was hugging me and had disrobed me, I saw my face and body in greater detail in close up!

Me: Are you sure?

Meenakshi: Yes, yes, I remember very distinctly!

Me: Hmm… The plot thickens then…. Meenakshi!

Meenakshi: Matlab? (=meaning?)

Me: If the camera was automatic as you said initially you would see the whole sequence from a specific distance… I mean if the whole bed was seen, throughout that would continue… it can’t be sometimes your face is zoomed or sometimes you can see the whole bed … are you getting me?

Meenakshi (almost screaming out): Yesssssssss…. Right you are Madam! You opened my eyes… I must have been so engrossed in… lovemaking… that… (she nodded negatively)

Me: So there had to be another man who was with the camera in the room somewhere, otherwise….

Meenakshi: My God! This point never bugged me! You are a genius Madam! Genius!

I smiled at her and obviously was feeling quite pleased inside to have ripped through the plot.

Me: But first let me….

Meenakshi: It has to be that thug!

Me: Who?

Meenakshi: His partner in the rented house… Harpal!

Me: How could you be so sure?

Meenakshi: Arre Madam, that’s the only name I heard among his pals and yes… yes… he told me that though Harpal was a driver by profession, he had interests in photography…. Yes, yes… now I remember… but I never thought so deeply!

Me: Hmm… then surely it has be that the other man…. Harpal…. who filmed you….

Meenakshi: What a shame…. O my God! This means that guy had seen me…. Ish… fully naked…. Ish…. So, so shameful!

Meenakshi was nodding her head very vigorously and I could realize her embarrassment.

I tried to console her by patting her back. She looked up. Her eyes were wet. Her face was red in natural shyness.

Me: You must remain strong Meenakshi…

Meenakshi: yes… yes Madam.

She wiped her eyes and adjusted her sari and sat up straight. She held my arms and gestured for my help. I just nodded and kept my right hand on Meenakshi’s hand assuring her of my fullest support.

Me: So, it is very clear that the second man… Harpal… as you assume… was hiding somewhere in the room or outside with the camera and filmed you and Mahesh on bed… Well… now what’s your plan to get out of this mess?

Meenakshi: Madam, see… previously I really had a completely different opinion about Mahesh… frankly… I liked him very much… but now… and allowing Harpal to see me in that condition… Ohh…. he is such wicked thug asshole

Meenakshi: He just wanted my flesh… Huh!

Me: By the way…. why did you choose me for help?

I could not stop myself from asking!

Meenakshi: Madam… I actually chose you for help because I had to take help of a woman who is completely unknown to Mahesh and also in this village area and …

Me: Hmm… I see… very reasonable!

Meenakshi: Yes Madam… And in order to attract his attention easily I needed someone who is young and eye-catching and honestly Madam… you are the only option I had as you fit exactly my expectation!

She smiled at me and I also smiled back shyly nodding my head.

Honestly I was getting a bit restless from inside now to know more details of her exact plan.

Me: That’s okay… but Meenakshi… I mean what do I need to do? Err… you haven’t yet spelt that out…

Meenakshi: Yes Madam I am coming to that only! As I said, Mahesh stays with the other guy Harpal in a rented house. They both work in a garage which also runs a driving school. Mahesh is a teacher and Harpal is a mechanic.

Me: I see! Okay…

Meenakshi: Madam see, I will tell Mahesh that my sister… not direct… but in relation… has come from the metro in her college vacation and will stay here for some days and she wants to learn driving utilizing her short vacation as the area where she lives is too much crowded for her learning purpose…

Me: College? You want to… Are you mad or what?

Meenakshi: Com’ on Madam, you also know how much young and innocent your look is! (she smiles) Believe me! You just look like a final year college girl… young and tight! Who will say that you are above 25 and married for more than two years!

Meenakshi looked deeply in my eyes and I blushed heavily.

Meenakshi: Fact is fact Madam… I am not flattering you.

Meenakshi even twisted her lips and displayed a praising smooch for me and I had to look down in shyness such was her gesture! I could realize that her praising was flushing my face with a scarlet tinge. I giggled and took a deep breath. Like any other woman I was feeling quite contended to listen to admiration especially from a matured female.

Meenakshi: I can guarantee that Mahesh will fall for you seeing your beauty and contours! And when he will be busy teaching your driving I…

Me: But… wait Meenakshi… wait… I don’t know anything about car and driving!

Meenakshi: That’s even better madam… things will look more realistic and rational!

Me: Hmm… but…

Meenakshi: This will leave Mahesh out of the house for some significant time and the other one… Harpal does not return to home till late night I know… so it will be cakewalk for me to enter his room. And if I get a couple of days… as Guru-ji said 48 hours minimum to get the reconstruction work done… I will easily search for my photographs and the video… and then I know very well how to screw those bastards!

Me: One minute… one minute… you are missing something… how will you get the keys to his room? How will you enter?

Meenakshi: That secret Mahesh told me when we were close. Since Harpal and his timings are different for going out and coming back, they keep the key under the doormat outside their main door.

Me: Ohh… I see!

Meenakshi: Madam everything will depend on you… the way you can engage him… err… I mean the time period for which you can engage that ruffian the better… I will get those additional minutes for searching…

Me: Yes, that I can understand… but what more can I do apart from trying to learn driving!

Meenakshi: I told you naa… Mahesh is just that type… he will try to impress you…. and am damn sure… believing you to be unmarried… he will naturally be all the more attentive towards you!

Meenakshi smiled meekly and I also smiled back; honestly I was feeling a subtle ‘thrill’ about this sudden development!

Meenakshi: And that’s where you can drag things Madam for me… time is the single most essential factor here as you can also understand…

Me: Hmm… yes, that I can understand! But when he will give me driving lessons?

Meenakshi: See Madam… the more he gives time for this the better for me and frankly we have only two days… as then I will have to devote my time to ashram again… I will press for twice a day lessons… but he has his regular job also… am unsure… lets see how he responds… but am sure once Mahesh sees you he will not be citing much excuses for his job!

Meenakshi again smiled naughtily and very suggestively at me while her almond eyes roved all over my plump figure.

Meenakshi and I spent a little bit more time compiling the bits and pieces of our story so that it looked rather realistic to this Mahesh and such that there are no loose ends. Soon as per plan we went out of the ashram and went to a house in the nearby village whom Meenaski knew. That housewife looked updated and quickly arranged for a salwar-kameez for me - the newer variety, i.e. not the usual long and comfort fitting salwar kameez, but the short salwar-kameez (the kameez was short) and once I wore that Meenakshi flooded me with oozing praises. As I looked in the mirror, I was indeed looking very smart and younger too with a little bit of makeup too. The fitting of the dress was surprisingly great for my figure!
Wasting no time, we went out for the garage where Mahesh worked. Though I looked very elegant in that outfit, I was having palpitations as we neared the garage. Multiple question fragments were as if conglomerating my head! How would this man look like? How would he behave with me? How would I pretend perfectly that I was keen to learn driving? What questions could he ask me about cars and about my hometown? I took a deep breath and tried to look normal.

We reached the ‘place’ – the signboard was loud and clear “Happy Driving School & Garage”. Meenakshi inquired at one of the garage boys and he went in to fetch Mahesh. I could as if hear my own heart beat and my palms and toes were cold like ice cubes. Out came a dark sturdy middle-aged man wearing a blue apron spotted with dirt; his bearded face was quite repulsive though his physique was impressive.

Mahesh: Arre! What a surprise! Meenakshi… you? Here?

Meenakshi (with a wide smile): Actually there’s one help that I need from you.

Mahesh: Come naa… sit here in the shade and have some tea. E Chetan! Chaye lana! Teen, malai marke!

We walked towards the shade where four dirty stools and a wooden table were there. Mahesh cleaned up the mess and made them usable. As we sat Mahesh started eyeing me.

Mahesh: Okay, now tell me what dragged you here?

Meenakshi: Let me introduce her… she is my sister in relation… lives in Varanasi, has come here to me during her college vacation.

Mahesh: O I see! Hello… Ms….

Meenakshi: Anita.

Mahesh: Hi Anita… nice to meet you. Welcome to our Happy Driving School & Garage! He he he…

Me (with a smile): Hello. I… err… why is the name “happy”?

I just wanted to ask normal questions so that things look normal and real.

Mahesh: Oho! (smiles; I could see his yellowish teeth in between his almost black lips; must be an avid smoker I thought) Actually our owner’s name is Happy Singh and the garage is named after him…

Me: I see…

Meenakshi: She actually has come for a very brief visit here to me and was keen to learn driving… actually you know Mahesh… the locality where she lives is too busy to learn driving there… so…

Mahesh: O…oh! No problem… No problem at all… this is in fact a garage cum driving school (he pointed toward the signboard)

Me: Yes, I can see…

Just at that time, a teen boy brought three cups of tea on a plate and served to us. I was feeling a bit odd as I was sitting on the low stool much of my pajama was getting exposed almost to my upper thighs as the kameez was rather short. My dupatta had also slipped off my shoulder exposing my big conical boobs under my kameez and I noted that not only Mahesh but also Chetan, the boy who was delivering tea, was ogling at me. I pulled up the dupatta and also subtly tried to pull my kameez down, but failed as it was the new short variety salwar-kameez dress.

Mahesh: Please have the tea…

As I sipped the hot tea, I could well make out that Mahesh was concentrating on me; his glance was roving all over my body starting from my face till my toes. I smiled within myself appreciating Meenakshi’s accurate anticipation!

Meenakshi: But as I mentioned… the time is very short… how quickly can you make her learn driving?

Mahesh: How short is the time?

Meenakshi: Say 3-4 days?

Mahesh: Oh! That’s real short, but if the learner is real keen, one can learn driving in just two hours!

Meenakshi: Wow! That’s wonderful… Really?

Mahesh (looking at me): Yes, yes… not to worry at all… I will give you all the lessons in a nutshell so that you could at least start, stop, and guide the car a fair distance…. Will that do?

Me (smiling shyly being a college girl, unmarried): Yes, yes….

I tried to act out my best to look real.

Meenakshi: Oh! Thanks a lot Mahesh… this girl is so keen to learn driving… Ah! You relieved me! She was just eating out my head from the moment she had dropped… actually her college will finish this year and she wants to learn driving before that you know…

Mahesh: Oh I see! So you are in final year?

I nodded.

Mahesh: You can start right from today if you want…. Err… actually I have some garage work now and will be free in the afternoon.

Meenakshi: Oh! That’s great! Then when can she meet you?

Mahesh: But I need to know… I mean Anita… what do you plan to drive? I mean a Maruti model or a Tata model or an ambassador?

I was a bit confused as I was not well versed with these things at all, but Meenakshi quickly saved the situation for me.

Meeankshi: Arre her father has a Maruti 800… and she will drive that of course!

Mahesh: Okay… fine… I will then bring a Maruti 800 for your learning purpose.

I again nodded shyly and giggled like an obedient girl.

Meenakshi: Okay, then. Would 5 p.m. be okay for you?

Mahesh: Yes sure! You need not come here… as mud roads are not at all suitable for learning driving… you meet me at the main road at Gangu kuwa point… okay?

Meenakshi: Okay, that’s near to our ashram also.

We had completed our tea and Meenakshi got up from her stool saying good bye to Mahesh, we left the garage. My sixth sense was informing me that Mahesh was eyeing my big swaying ass in my short salwar suit as the hem of the kameez was just about covering my fleshy round ass. As we traversed passed his eyes to a safe distance, Meenakshi literally hugged me in excitement!

Meenakshi: Oh! You were just fantastic Madam… you acted so, so, so naturally! You looked so perfect Madam as a college girl… the tinge of shyness and giggling… uhhhhh! Just to the T! I’m confident Madam that Mahesh will not have the slightest doubt that it is all planned!

I almost blushed at her strong praises and just nodded.
Meenakshi: Madam, it’s entirely up to you how to make that rascal glued to your beauty! The longer you can entangle him in queries and taking lessons on driving, the longer I will get to search for my…. (her chin dipped)… to search for my honor!

Meenakshi held my arms and her eyes were as if begging me seeking help.

Me: Meenakshi… what’s this? Hold your head high! I will try my level best to keep that man engaged… don’t worry my dear….

Meenakshi: Thanks Madam. Thanks a lot!

We were back in the ashram and could notice reconstruction work was yet to be started as the debris was still being cleared. All the four disciples of Guru-ji along with other known faces like Pande-ji, Master-ji, Chotu, Ramlal etc. and some other villagers were engaged in the cleaning up process with Guru-ji supervising everything.

Meenaskhi knocked at my room at 4 p.m.

Me: Arre it’s only 4 p.m. Meenakshi…. He said to come at 5 p.m.

Meenakshi: Madam… you are forgetting one thing… you have to dress like a college girl and you cannot leave in that attire from the ashram… isn’t it? So we need that extra time….

Me: Ya… Right, right! I missed that completely…

She did not allow me to waste much time in my dressing and I quickly combed my hair and draped my sari somehow on my figure and went off with her as she wanted me to spend time on my dressing etc. at that place where we went in the morning (where I changed to the short salwar kameez).

Meenakshi: Madam this time I will not be there and you will be all alone with that bastard and I want you to kill the cat at the very first night!

Me: Meaning?

We had entered into that house where we had come in the morning. The housewife again greeted me with a smile.

Meenakshi: Madam, I do not want to take a chance… frankly I just want you to look very attractive today so that Mahesh just falls flat for you!

Me: I can understand the plan Meenakshi… I will definitely try for that…

Meenakshi: Madam, you have such a lovely figure… such big dense breasts… such a lovely round ass … such firm thighs…

I obviously was feeling quite tight to be praised like that in front of another woman as she was a complete stranger to me. My ears automatically started to get red.

Meenakshi: Madam, don’t be shy please… Kiyu re Kiran… am I exaggerating? (Kiran was the name of that woman)

Kiran: Nehi didi! You are absolutely right! Madam… you indeed have a very tight and enviable figure!

Meenakshi: See Madam… even an outsider converges with me … that’s why I am saying don’t be shy and accentuate your treasure…

Me (almost with a completely red and flushed face): Okay… okay… but I mean… how?

Meenakshi: Madam simply through your feminine appeal!

I looked questionably at Meenakshi. The other woman Kiran was still looking at my admiringly!

Meenakshi: Madam… don’t forget that Mahesh is an experienced campaigner… that bastard must not catch you that you are acting out… so you need to camouflage your shortcomings through your appeal.

Me: You are right! I am already having goosebump if he asks anything about my father’s car… the story that you have already given him! Oh no! What would I say!

Meenakshi: I know that Madam… I know that… I am not also educated to give you any details about a car… that’s the reason Madam I was stressing you for some… I mean provocative dressing so that the bastard does not get an opportunity to divert his attention and ask you questions that might embarrass you.

I closed my eyes for a while and thought that Meenakshi’s suggestion might just work which would actually enable me to avoid such ‘tricky’ questions about “my father’s car”, etc. about which I hardly had any tangible knowledge.

Me: That’s actually not a bad proposal Meenakshi… I will be quite safe that way!

Meenakshi: Trust me Madam… you will simply not face any questions regarding your home car if you can divert that rascal’s attention.

Me: Yes I hope so!

Meenakshi: Arre… Madam relax… you are so blessed…. you have such a rousing outline… kiyu Kiran?

Kiran: Ha didi beshaq!

Me: Oh! Again you have started Meenakshi….

Meenakshi: I can’t stop myself Madam… Okay Kiran, bring the dress that I have selected… we really don’t have much time! And remember I will have to get back and broke into Mahesh’s house…

Me: Where does he live?

Meenakshi: That’s the problem Madam… it’s quite far off from here… I have to take a bus from the main road. So you need to show that you want to learn and practice for a longer period of time.

Me: I see. I didn’t know that… Yes, I will surely try to do that.

By that time Kiran had brought my dress. It was a blue colored churidar suit. As she unfolded the suit in front of me, it appeared to be quite sleek in appearance with embroidery work on the margins.

Meenakshi: Madam, this will surely kill Mahesh (she smiled wickedly).

Although the kameez (the top half of the dress) did not vary drastically than a salwar suit, it is the bottom part of the ensemble that made the difference. While the normal salwar, which I am habituated to wear, is loose and features pleats thereby imparting a baggy effect, this churidar was undoubtedly more body fitting and I was actually wondering how would I get my legs inside those ‘skinny’ legs of the dress! The top half was also rather short; in fact shorter than the kameez that I wore in the morning to Mahesh.

I took the dress and went to the adjacent room to change. I removed my sari, petticoat and blouse and quickly checked and adjusted my panty to stretch adequately over my naked ass globes and inserted my fingers inside the panty front to scratch my thick bush for a while to feel ‘comfortable’. Then I adjusted my bra a bit so that my mammaries appeared more lifted and firm as in the back of my mind it was continuously playing that I had to look appealing so that Mahesh remains diverted and did not catch me on the wrong foot with any cumbersome questions regarding cars. I used my handkerchief to wipe of the tiny beads of sweat on my cleavage and then unfolded the churidar set to reexamine it before trying.

As I reviewed the pajama I was shocked to note the light texture of the fabric. It seemed to be almost see through as I hung it up in the air and extremely slim in alignment especially for a woman like me who possessed quite well rounded fleshy thighs. I could gather that it would undoubtedly stick to my legs like the modern day leggies which are worm by the teenagers.
I picked up the kameez as I was already getting a bit concerned within myself due to it short length especially with this flimsy pajama of the churidar set. Moreover it was sleeveless which would cause my whole arms to remain exposed. I held the kameez at my shoulder and tried to trace its length on my body in front of the mirror.

“Oh no!” I exclaimed within myself as I noticed the length was shorter than the usual mini kuti or a short salwar suit. I tried to stretch the dress by dragging its hem, but still it was just about covering my choot area! I was obviously upset as to what would happen when I actually wear it!

I knew Meenakshi was anxiously waiting outside and time was limited and hence I did not have any other option but to wear that. I kept it aside and started wearing the pajama sitting on the stool. It was indeed not an easy task for me to get that pajama up my fleshy thighs though my legs were absolutely hairless and smooth. As I pulled up the pajama up my legs I could easily realize that it was absolutely skin tight and I was starting to look awfully sexy. As my thighs were a bit sweaty by that time, the job was all the more difficult. When I finally pulled up and tied the pajama at my waist, I could note numerous folds forming towards my ankle area which was giving it a great look, but I could not entirely discount the flimsy nature of the fabric of the pajama. As I looked through the mirror I was honestly quite disgusted to find myself exposing like that – the anatomy of my legs and thighs were so vividly advertised through that sheer skin-hugging pajama!

“Hai daiya!” was my involuntary exclamation as I turned and bent slightly to pick up the kameez and happened to look back at the mirror. At that point of time since I was clad only in my bra on the upper half of my body, I could clearly see my pajama-covered bottoms, which generally always remains covered under my kameez when I wear a salwar suit.

And there lied the shock!

The pajama was so tight fitting that not only my big round ass cheeks were clearly outlined, but also my panty line was pretty much evident through the semi-trasnparent fabric of the pajama! I quickly got into the kameez which thankfully decently fitted me. Though it was sleeveless type, it was not too tight on my figure; though my mammaries appeared quite prominent through it, but once I put the dupatta in place I looked somewhat elegant. But for me the concerning part remained the length of the dress; the hem was horribly short and ended almost midway about my big pumpkin ass!

I stretched the kameez as far as possible on my figure with my hands and finished things and prepared to get out of the room as I could hear anxious Meenakshi knocking at the door. As I checked myself in the mirror from all angles, I noted that the cut of the kameez near my waist on two sides were so uppishly placed that almost the whole bulge of my round ass covered in that skin-tight white pajama was visible to anyone from the sides!

Meenakshi: Are you done Madam? We are running out of time…

Me: Yes, yes, done baba!

I stepped out of the room.

Meenakshi: Wow! Madam, you look so sexx…. rrr…. so appealing!

Kiran: Sach! Kisi ki nazar na laage!

Meenakshi came near me and held me by my arms; she hugged me and kissed my cheeks as a token of appreciation. Though I was still in some discomfort due to the exposing nature of this churidar-suit, but the way Meenakshi hugged me and kissed my cheeks I was blushing and giggling heavily.

Meenakshi: Frankly Madam, stop wearing the salwar kameez when you are back home and wear these sort of modern chudidar suits… you look so tempting and pleasing… if your husband sees you in this dress… he will just pick you up in his arms…

Me: Oh Meenakshi… will you stop!

I continued to blush and giggle especially in presence of the third woman, Kiran.

Meenakshi: Madam, remove the dupatta… I am damn sure you will look much more enticing without that and destined to kill that bastard….

I resisted instantly as when I was checking in the mirror I looked rather indecent with my twin conical boobs jutting out of the dress. Moreover, now coming in more light in this room I found the fabric of the kameez also rather thin and my bra outline was quite clearly visible through it. I ought to have worn an inner for this churidar suit.

Me: No, no… no way Meenakshi… I checked there… am looking err… rather vulgar without the dupatta and look at the cuts here… its so high!

Meenakshi: Madam, its not high… that’s how the modern churidar suits are cut! Just look! It gives such a beautiful hide and seek view of your big round gaaaand!

Me: You naughty!

Meenakshi: But Madam… think of the threat … Mahesh… one nail would fix him… He he he….

Me: No, no… I am already quite uncomfortable with the cut… and see the thinness of the fabric… you should have kept an inner for me… look… if I remove the dupatta the bra is so clearly visible! No, no… I can’t take off the dupatta….
Meenakshi: Madam… see if you remove it… Uhhh! Its adding such great compliments to your figure that Mahesh will instantly sink it! You are looking so stunning….

Me: Ohhh! Will you stop Meenakshi…

Meenakshi: Okay baba, let the dupatta remain… Kiran, quickly tie madam’s hair neatly in a knot… top knot would be the best… that way she will look even prettier.

Kiran: Okay.

In another 10 minutes we were out for the Gangu kuwa point after Kiran did a light makeup for me.

Meenakshi (as we walked hurriedly through the village path): Madam… everything depends on you… please keep a calm head… you are from Varanasi, if Mahesh asks even deeper… say you live at Assi Ghat… okay Madam?

Me (almost puffing as I was virtually running to keep pace with Meenakshi): What ghat?

Meenakshi: Assi ghat… Assi ghat… Madam, in Varanasi residences are mainly on the roads that leads to the ghat.

Me: I see… Okay, I will remember.

Meenakshi: And remember this… your father has a Maruti 800 car which he brought second hand… say 5 years old. Okay? You just say to him that you have taken rides in the car with your father, but not at all aware about the mechanical part of the car.

Me: Yes, I will maintain that only … I honestly don’t know anything about cars.

I was amazed to see how Meenakshi could manage to walk so fast with such a plump figure. She was walking in front of me and the movement of her sari-covered round ass was looking awfully sexy. For a moment I thought of teasing her, but the moment I thought of Mahesh and thought about learning driving, I was dumb and my heart rate increased!

Meenakshi: One more thing Madam… if he asks anything about me, just give a vague reply as you do not live here…. only emphasizing that I am attached to the ashram.

Me: Okay as you say…

Just then we came out of the village path through the shrubs and bushes on to the main road and arrived at the Gangu kuwa more.

Me: Where is the well?
Meenakshi: There Madam, on the opposite side of the road…

I could not even look to the other side of the road that I noticed a red car standing by the roadside and Mahesh was standing by the car. My fingers and toes raced towards becoming ice cold and I almost froze for a moment, but as I felt Meenakshi’s warm grip on my hand I quickly recomposed myself.

Meenakshi (in a very low tone) Madam, this bastard has stolen my sleep… promise me to tease him to the hell Madam… he should be licking your feet like a road-side dog…

Meenakshi’s jaws were stiffening and I could sense the rage hidden within her.

Meenakshi: Madam don’t ever feel shy in front of this man as he is a real dirty man exploiting my weak moments.