Tag: neighbour

பக்கத்து வீட்டு மாலா அக்கா

பக்கத்து வீட்டு மாலா அக்கா

என் பெயர் ரமேஷ். இப்போது என் வயது 28. திருமணமாகி, ஒருநாள்கூட விடாமல், தினமும் ராத்திரியில் என் பொண்டாட்டியை புரட்டி எடுத்துக்கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்.என் முதலிரவு அன்றே என் மனைவியை எந்தவித பதட்டமும் இல்லாமல் ஆறஅமர ஓத்தேன். அதற்கெல்லாம் காரணம், கல்யாணத்துக்கு முன், என் பக்கத்து வீட்டு மாலா அக்காவுடன் ஏற்பட்ட காம அனுபவங்கள்தான்..!!அந்த காம அனுபவங்கள்தான் இது..!!அப்போது எனக்கு

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செக்ஸி ஆண்ட்டி

செக்ஸி ஆண்ட்டி

என்னுடைய பெயர் ஷர்மிளா. ஒரு கம்பனியில் ரிசப்னிஸ்டாக வேலை செய்கிறேன்.எங்கள் ஆபீஸிலே அழகில் என்னை அடிக்க யாராலும் முடியாது. என்னுடைய அங்கங்களின் அளவு 38-26-36 என்றால், நீங்களே கற்பனை பண்ணிக்கொள்ளுங்கள்.என்னுடைய கணவர் பேங்கில் மேனைஜராக இருக்கிறார். எனக்கு ஒரு வயதில் ஒரு ஆண் குழந்தை இருக்கிறது. அவன் இன்னும் என்னிடம் பால் குடிக்கிறான்.என்னுடைய கணவர் வீட்டில் இருக்கும் போது

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அஞ்சலியின் முலைப்பாலை குடிச்ச பக்கத்துவீட்டுக்காரன்

அஞ்சலியின் முலைப்பாலை குடிச்ச பக்கத்துவீட்டுக்காரன்

"ம். அப்புறம். மேல் வீட்டு அஞ்சலியக்கா வருவாங்க""அவளை என்ன பண்ணனும்?"என் மனைவி திரும்பி என்னை முறைத்தாள். நான் சற்று அடங்கி,"ஏன் இப்படி முறைக்கிற? என்ன பண்ணனும்னுதான கேட்டேன்""அப்படியா கேட்டீங்க? 'அவளை என்ன பண்ணனும்'. என்ன பண்ற மாதிரி உத்தேசம்?""ஏதோ வாய் தவறி வந்துருச்சுடி. என்ன பண்ணனும்னு சொல்லு"அவள் கொஞ்ச நேரம் என்னையே முறைத்துக் கொண்டு இருந்தாள். பின்பு சொன்னாள்."என்னோட

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A friend of my husband

A friend of my husband

My name is Sabitri. I am a married woman of 36 years but have a nice body shape. No one can say at first glance that I am 36 years because I have got very nice and attractive features and a figure from heaven. I am tall. My height is more than 5' 6'' with a slim body as I take very good care of my body. I have a great, praiseworthy, and an attractive figure. My waist is still 34'' while my breasts and hips are 36'' though I am a mother of three children and my first child is nearly 14 years old. And all of them have my complexion which is white reddish. My lips are thin with small-mouthed and my eyes are wide big black colored and have long black hairs.I am living with my family and my husband very happily. I think my husband loves me that very rare husband love their wives. My marital life was nice.Since we are not newly married, we don’t have a continuous sexual relationship but we follow a routine twice or thrice a month. May be this is enough for other woman but I don't think

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My Neighbors, My Angels

My Neighbors, My Angels

I am Sekhar, a twenty three year old student doing my Bachelor of Engineering course from a prestigious institution in South India. I had just completed my third year of the course (my pre-final year) and I came home to my parents during the summer vacation.The city where I was studying is about five hundred miles away from the city where my home was. Being their only son, my parents insist that I spend the summer vacation with them and I love it too. After months and months of the rigors of hostel life and the food there, I loved being fussed over and overfed by my loving mom. My dad was a senior executive of Marketing Company and my mom was a Bank officer.We lived in our own apartment at the Paradise Plaza; a twenty year old Residential Apartment complex located in a prime residential area. Paradise consisted of three blocks in a straight line, numbered 1 to 3. Block 1 was the one closest to the main gate and 3 was the farthest. Each Block had five floors above the cellar where

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Suja Aunty - First and Best

Suja Aunty - First and Best

I was a late bloomer; at least in matters of sex. As a boy in a big, conservative, middle class family, I had a relatively protected and sheltered life. My values were what I learned mostly from the elders in the family; my loving parents included.However, as young teenager at school, I was exposed to my quota of school friends and learned a few 'adult things' too. Overall, at 18 and in the junior college, I was still a novice and often the butt of ridicule by my more 'manly' friends. My average physic and looks did not exactly help me either.But, if there was one thing that I excelled in, it was my grades. I was always at the top of the class and considered one of the brightest students, academically. This earned me the grudging respect of my peers. At home, my parents and neighbors were equally proud of my accomplishments.We lived in a good middle class residential locality. Our home was a single storied house with three bed rooms, a drawing room, a dining room and a kitchen. We had

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Breaking Barriers

It was not their fault that they were spotted by him while pleasuring themselves shamelessly. Nor was it his fault – he had not planned on spying on the young housewife that was his tenant.Either way, as Narain slowly climbed down the metal stairway he saw and was transfixed by the sight of Shanthi, his tenant's young wife, pinching her own nipples and mauling her breasts while a woman had her head busy between the her legs.He was over 70 years and he had cursed his luck for having to climb to the third floor to where the water tanks were. There was no place left to dry his clothes and no one to help him either. He had slowly climbed one step at a time, hung out his clothes to dry and was climbing down, wrapped in only a thin bathing towel.Since few ever came to the rooftop and still fewer climbed that metal ladder to the third roof, the women had thought themselves safe from discovery so long as the room door was shut.But the elevation of the stairway allowed Narain a full view

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Across Rooftops

Sheila assumed that because her building was the tallest in the area no one could really spot her. She had built her house in a style to remind of her Shillong days; that was not so easy considering that this South Indian city was rapidly losing its greenery.And while the rooms and much of the house was on the ground and first floor, on the second floor she had her room, surrounded by a riotous burst of greenery, shrubs and ornamental plants. It was her refuge. As her son grew into a teenager she found it necessary to meet the needs of her bubbling cauldron of sexuality in different ways than it had been in the past.Over the years she had a string of lovers. Some dearer to her with whom she spent long, languorous hours when the house was quiet. Others were more to do with her lust unleashed as she took a fancy to a young man and devoured him as a special treat. On many of the occasions the quiet of her house was rent apart by the animal bellowing she allowed herself.In Shillong and in

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ஏக்கத்தோடு ஒரு தாய், ஏமாந்து வந்த மகன் - பாகம் 3

ஏக்கத்தோடு ஒரு தாய், ஏமாந்து வந்த மகன் - பாகம் 3

மறுநாள் மாலை!லலிதாவும் அவன் மனோவும் தீட்டியிருந்த திட்டம் குறித்து அறிந்திருக்க வாய்ப்பில்லாத நிலையில், காவேரி அண்மைக்காலம் போலவே அன்றும் தத்தளித்துக்கொண்டிருந்தாள். "சுரேஷ்!சுரேஷ்!" என்று அவளது உதடுகள் முணுமுணுத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தன. டிவியில் குறிக்கோளின்றி ஏதோ ஒரு தொடர் ஓடிக்கொண்டிருந்தது. வேனலுக்கு பயந்து வெறும் நைட்டி மாத்திரமே அணிந்தபடி அவள் கூதியில்

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Milk My Full Breasts, Please

Milk My Full Breasts, Please

Since my baby was born eight months ago my sex life has taken a turn for the worse. My husband doesn't seem very interested, other than an occasional quickie, which leaves me feeling low, not wanted and sexually frustrated.I have worked hard to get myself back in shape and I think I have succeeded very well. The only difference in my body, compared to pre-pregnancy, is the fact that my breasts are much larger and full of milk. I am still breast feeding my baby once a day. The only problem is that I have a surplus of milk and have to express some daily. To me, though, my tits look fantastic. They are large, firm and my nipples are huge and always look swollen and erect. It turns me on no end and they feel extra sensitive and sensual. My husband, however, doesn't seem to like them for some reason and moans at me when my nipples poke through my clothes. He thinks it looks disgusting. I think it looks hot and so very sexy.Anyway, there I was feeling frustrated when my next door

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